Principles and Projection
Published on 03 May 2020 / In
When the balance between two parties that rely on cooperative is broken in an unnatural and false push for equality, there are consequences that can only be remedied by restoration of the balance. You can rail against this for as long as you want, but you'll either realize your error after enough pain is felt and accept the remedy, or you'll be driven to extinction so that the world may learn from your stupidity.
Background Music: Longest Run by Noir Et Blanc Et. Courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library.
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Gynocentrism is the encarnation of evil in this world
Even when the evidence is all around them they refuse to see. Denial runs deep.
people CAN'T handle the truth
'men love women.
women love children.
children love hamsters.
hamsters love nobody'
Uncle Clif explains everything !