Private Members Bill - Vaccine Indemnity Bill | Senator Malcolm Roberts & Senator Ralph Babet
Senator Ralph Babet put a Private Members Bill to the floor of the Australian Senate, asking for a committee to be established on Vaccine Indemnity. The Bill passed with 39 ayes - 16 noes.
The first 15 minutes is Senator Malcolm Roberts speaking in favour of the Bill.
Here is Senator Ralph Babet's statement on the Bill's passage :
The United Australia Party Vaccine Indemnity bill has been debated in the Senate and has successfully been referred to committee. This means that the bill will now go through proper scrutiny and the public will get to make submissions and have their say.
The bill seeks to prevent the Commonwealth from granting future indemnity to big pharma in relation to the supply and use of vaccines. At the moment, if a person is injured after receiving a Covid-19 vaccination then the liability for that injury rests with the Australian taxpayer. The vaccine companies make all the profit but share non of the risk.
This is a HUGE development and means that the issue of Indemnity (writing blank cheques on behalf of taxpayer to big pharma) will receive the detailed analysis it deserves.
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It's about time. But it should move much faster and much harsher. Like the gallows should be installed tomorrow, and I'd gladly volunteer to participate in the firing squads. Bring some extra boxes of ammo too, I'll need it.