Proof Women dont know what they want from themselves? (55)
Published on 13 Aug 2020 / In
Film & Animation
In this video we will talk about Proof Women dont know what they want from themselves?
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I think that most people live more negatively than positively. By that I mean that when you are young you have no experience, you essentially don't know shit. Then as you get older and have more experiences you figure out more and more what you don't like. Yes we do also figure out what we do like but I think that humans are more sensitive to negative emotion and focus more on weeding out the bad.
As a result the further on in life that you get the more lost one has a tendency to feel. At a certain point I think we just give up trying and accept life as it is. So we don't necessarily figure our life out we just except that life is a process and not a destination. But that requires a fair amount of experience in most cases.
There is no link ...........THANK GOD !
she has issues stay away
At least she knows what she wants is good, i mean lots of girls dont want to be a mother even, so this womens ideas is a step up.
Commies /Boljevisk destroyed the family unit, they started with African American family unit, (beta test) and now full force on all ppls.