Protesters block fire engine and ambulance before van driver nudges them
Just take a look at these WANKER's! lol! If this isn't staged I would be very surtplised if government are not behind it? now I'm Sure that the Fire Brigade like Police and Ambulance and even Buses would be informed of this action, SO WTF is a Fire Engine doing held up in the mayhem? They surely would have had alternative routes in mind for just such a scenario? i think this is posibly all BULLSHIT? I ussed to be a Motorcycle Courier thsat woorked out of Windsor in Berkshire UK, and I would use all the backstreets and had many alternative routes planned so I could tern round or tern of in an instant and take a different route. the very fact the police did nothing to help the Fire engine through stinks like a DEAD RAT. An if this WAS real and my house burned down I would SUE the London Fire Brigade, the Police and personally gone down to the terrorist protesters next blockage with a large sledge hammer to move the CUNT's by force. Yeh! me doing that is about as realistic as this whole fucvking FARCE is. by the way jut look in the background at the LACK of delayed vehicles and the lack of what I would call a TRAFFIC JAM. there isn't one!
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Just run the fucking cunts over.....
Don't fuck around - kill them.
And don't stop.
@mrghoster: Your comment above is spot on.