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Proving Our Point Part 14 - Mgtow

Published on 03 Aug 2024 / In People & Blogs

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GoogleSucks 5 months ago

IMO, those at the very top of the hierarchy, of the entire managerialist Globohomo Empire itself, continue pushing this psychosis to further expand/consolidate their absolute power. No amount is ever enough for them, so they keep pushing for more and more useful idiots all the time, ever onward and upward (from their point of view). The useful idiots themselves simply cannot help themselves, now with the walking science projects as the tip of the crazy train spear. So the crazy train rolls on and on, and as TFM put it quite a few years ago, the crazy train has no brakes.

I read that the boxer herself who quit the match and called it "unjust" has now apologized, no doubt a threatened "apology" under threat of being cancelled. This is the funny part, because all the feminism she without any doubt has fully internalized and fully believes is nothing more than an earlier station stop on the same crazy train's track. Now she's stuck, as are all other groups that have bought in to this shit along the way. It's like organized crime in that once you join they won't ever let you leave, with getting canceled being the woke mobs tool for enforcement.

In the tend, I'm with LOM and many others among us in that I cannot stomach watching any of this shit, yet at the same time I am very amused by it, bemused and not upset at all that it is happening. A folding metal chair and a bag of popcorn is my personal response.

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GenerationLESS 5 months ago

The global elite will continue to find useful idiots to double down.

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Furioso 6 months ago

Who cares ? Let these wahmen get the taste of REALITY they constantly try to avoid ,These inferior beings who promoted trans ideology and other woke shit will continue to get punched by these abominations ,it is not the first time and it will not be the last so enjoy the irony .Life is always harder for stupid and delusional people .Let them suffer .Society and wahmen don't care about men ,they only care about what they can take from us ,so why do you care about these stupid cunts and want to participate in this fucking system (making money to indirectly contribute to make your life harder) ? Adopt a minimalist lifestyle ,let this soyciety burn and enjoy it .I don't work since 2016 ,i don't see friends anymore ,i can't see my family ,i can't enjoy life like before but i have at least the satisfaction to not contribute and pay those who fuck me in the ass ,if everybody was doing what i'm doing actually,we would probably live in a way better society now .Most of us complain but contibute to their misery ,they don't want to see that the entire system is NOT a democracy but a slave system and continue to participate in it because they think and hope that their right to vote can change something ,how stupid and coward most people are .For me ,an high value man is someone who is ready to sacrifice everything for his own convictions ,not a high earning man who can buy expensive shits .

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