Proving Zero Point Energy
Published on 03 Mar 2021 / In
Film & Animation
I'm sorry about the quality, Kinemaster was being quite a dick and screwing me over with the Rendering space for high quality videos and it forced me to do very crapy quality which i'm not quite happy about.
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Zero point energy..? Hm, interesting.
I did a cursory glance at the term, seems to relate to quantum physics. I assume this is what you refer to as well.
Quantum physics are weird from what i can tell, to put it mildly.
To be fair, if you are talking about developing something that can generate "free" energy, or exhibit anti-gravity properties it's possible. Though, not exactly easy to accomplish. It's all a bit, tricky to do.
In the case of the former, i would say that's probably more easily done. As one could with enough knowledge of how physics work here, develop a device or such machinery to essentially harness quantum fluctuations into usable energy. Though i have my reservations on whether humanity is capable of developing that sort of generator yet. The military maybe, but not the civvies. Not to mention the risks involved. One off the top of my head would be the materium's reliance on those energy reserves to function as it does. IE in order to remain in this state of reality those energy reserves are best left alone. I notice some scriptures mentioning "pillars" which hold up the world? That's a thing, by the way. Though not exactly how primitive man thought of them. Let's see, you could think of it like a enveloping support structure that holds all this material at this plane of existence. The energy that fuels it could be tapped into by certain means, but i wouldn't advise it. Could and would eventually cause instability and so this plane to "sink" into the more stable one. IE the plane souls reside in. It's like hacking away at the support beams on the building for scrap and wondering why it collapses when you weaken it enough. Lol. Plus, unlike other more conventional realms, this one wasn't designed to last indefinitely. It's got a shelf-life. And doing this will cut that lifespan significantly with enough draw. Perhaps this is the reason why if people HAVE developed prototypes that functioned using such means, were silenced and erased from the record by governments over the years. 'Cause you know, if they had any idea obviously they wouldn't want something popping up that would destroy the entire known universe. Then again, i got a feeling it isn't the government doing that. More likely, it's an organization of some kind whom does it. Government may or may not be aware, but likely stay out of their way due to that. Lol.
Bear in mind, the part where i mentioned those "pillars" failing? That's gonna happen eventually anyways, like i said. It's got a shelf-life, but the good news is it shouldn't happen for a long time...Shouldn't. Another good thing is, while your body definitely wouldn't survive this happening. Odds are, your soul might. May take damage depending on certain variables, but odds are it'll survive the jarring. As it never was on this plane, merely linked to something that is. Hence, it'll feel like a planet was dropped on it. But otherwise be OK. Then again, that is theoretical on my part. As i have never observed it happening. To my knowledge, this realm is the only one like it so far. Could be wrong though, i have been out of the loop long enough to be wrong on that.
On the latter, anti-gravity would be useful for escaping gravity wells by things such as Earth. And possibly propulsion if enhanced further. Issue is getting gravatons and the quantum space to work in the way you want it to, you'll be fighting a lot of coding for lack of better terms. So you either have to bend the rules a bit or find some kind of loop hole. Lol. Humanity is nowhere close to that level of tech yet, but eh. At the current rate if no hiccups occur it's possible for them to develop such tech in the next few centuries or so. :) Especially if the former is perfected first, as you are going to require a metric ton of energy to power such a device. And while current energy producing devices like nuclear power is useful it's just not enough oompf for a task such as this.
I am unsure whether those reading this believe a word i type, but eh. That's my thoughts on infinite energy and anti-gravity in general. Doable? Yeah, sure. Easy? Nope. Risky? You betchya.
Feel almost like i said too much, gave too much intel. Lol. Pretty sure i will be fine though. :)
Why can it NOT result in "ZERO". Is enthalpy mot considered an expected positive factor 'A Priori'?