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Psychological analysis of Jimmy Savile

Published on 23 Apr 2022 / In Film & Animation

This is one of the better and easiest to understand profiles on jimmy Sqavile and Psychopath's in general? the Anylist lay's out in very good terns how you can relate this profile to possible people you yourself know? Like your Boss, Partner, or the person next door? We all have some of the Psychopaths traits so don'rt go self anylsing yourself. The personality traits HAVE to be in a certain orde3r ir vane. so take a look at their personality and learn in some way how to avoid or at least be aware of the traits of a Psycopath. By the way NOT all Psychopath's are pedo's either, some are trighgered ny business or Money as in the corporate Psychpath, or they like to mimic and pretend to be someone else or someone elses personality.

A Psychopath will see a road accident, and see a women crying because her child is hurt, they will then go home and in the mirror mimic such trauma and add it to their lexicon of trait's? they use Word Salad, government does this all the time, they will project their failed personality traits onto you, feminist's and Narcissit's will do this Especially the entitled women of today. anyway enjoy and I hope you learn something you can use against the Narcissist or Psychopath?

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