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QLD extends powers, Federal election, Vic Police rebranding themselves & important TGA information.

Published on 06 Apr 2022 / In Film & Animation

On tonight’s video, we addressed the fact that the QLD government has extended their emergency powers for a further 6 months despite a huge outcry from the population there.

We also discussed why no-one should, under any circumstances, be voting for either of the major parties in the upcoming Federal election.

We covered the fact that the Victoria Police are trying to convince everyone to forget their actions over the past 2 years as they try and “re-brand” themselves.

We also went through the latest TGA adverse reaction figures and compared them to the last 12 months’ worth of figures and revealed a very interesting ‘discovery’.

And, finally, we finished off with some more great memes to get people thinking, as well as another testimonial from one of our members.

As always, we covered some very powerful and very timely information so please be sure to share this around as far and as wide as possible.





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Australia = Land of the Retarded Communist Shit Head.....

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