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Question On Religion - Lyndon LaRouche

Published on 14 Aug 2024 / In Film & Animation


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Lyndon LaRouche - I ran into his adherents many years ago in Melbourne Australia.

Bit of a mixed bag really.

But this is the first video / film that I have ever come across of his.

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Leader_Desslok 1 month ago

Shane , beware of anyone that swings from far left to far right . all they are interested in is power . they don't much care how they get it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyndon_LaRouche

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Leader_Desslok 1 month ago

@Leader_Desslok: rhetoric and platitudes do not make a sound political system. usually it makes for an eventual milirary dictatorship .

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@Leader_Desslok: I didn't much like him, his philosphy or his followers - AND their co-ercive and strong arming tactics. They reminded me of a persistenly recruiting Hari Krisnas, with all their books and propaganda, and the scientologists with their absolute mind fuckery manipulation.... I only picked up on the video as I had never seen this guy operate "in the flesh" as it were..... AND it's been a VERY long time since his adherents have crossed paths with me.... like 30 to 40 years... I did not like them then, still don't.

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