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نشرت في 04 Jul 2020 / في غير الربحية والنشاط

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Mi_donkey منذ 5 سنوات  

I mean she's clearly in pretty fantastic shape and flexible as all hell. I challenge any of you to do that

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Geneo منذ 5 سنوات

she aint nuthin' but a dirty nasty thot, gettin attention from some simps she would never touch. All involved are pathetic

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sauger1001 منذ 5 سنوات

I guess World Star has been "acqired"?

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thoughtcriminal1215 منذ 5 سنوات

Good on blm for hiring some strippers. If you don't have a plot just use tit and ass. Lmao

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle منذ 5 سنوات

this is more than mental illness the Black community either must clean their culture up or get exterminated

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Doggk منذ 5 سنوات

Well these are the afro-americans not the africans or Afro Europeans... These blacks from the US have been degenerated for centuries during the Slavery era, in order to make them more stupid and more docile.. After slavery ended they were dropped in ghettos, system took 75% of black men in prison or in coffins... And "voilà" the result ... A lot of them have still that slave mentality given from generations to generations.. The black community has been destroyed by slavery and till this day they still strugglin because of that.. It's the only people on earth, the only humans who had to fight and struggle to prove they were humans.. The history of blacks has been destroyed and deleted.. And this what happens with a community that ignores their roots.. Same with the aborigines now.. Just let that sink in..

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Bagoodman منذ 5 سنوات

@Doggk: After slavery and at the time of Jim crow law's 1877-1950 Black's For 73 years were buying farms and businesses until welfare. Men were kicked out and the ghetto was born and the downfall of the black family . Black's come from a lot of other Counties and do fine the young blacks in the USA are programed to fail . No father no clue of how to work learn or even to be confident . So sad .It's the way the Government wanted it just to get votes . Votes in trade for Free Stuff .

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