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"Europe has gone MAD and they are digging their own grave" Ukraine war is destroying Europe

36 Vues
Publié le 25 Feb 2025 / Dans Nouvelles et politique

The winner of the German elections is being called a big win for Globalists... a big win for more war in Ukraine... and a slap in the face to free speech and closed borders.

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WMHarrison94 1 mois depuis

I suspect the Globalist cheated... was it Muslims or Chinese who counted the votes?

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Furioso 1 mois depuis

The right title is : "European free masons luciferian leaders want more white people sacrifices" They are not digging their own grave ,they are digging the grave of whites people as always .If only these soldiers were smart ,they wouldn't die for these scumbags .

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WMHarrison94 1 mois depuis

Well, the real Whites of Atlantean descent left for the Americas... centuries ago... enjoy your Shari Law...

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