
"Europe is on DEATH WATCH right now and Germany is COLLAPSING" w Ralph Schoellhammer | Redacted

33 Просмотры
Опубликован в 14 Feb 2025 / В Новости и политика

America’s so-called allies have gotten so used to taking advantage of the U.S. that some of their leaders are struggling to wrap their heads around Trump’s America first approach... wait a minute what do you mean Trump is going to put America first instead of Brussels... German Chancellor Olaf Scholz seems to be one of them.

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sauger1001 2 месяцы тому назад

Satan is being exposed. People who didn't understand, will understand that there is a spiritual element to what is happening. I believe there will be fewer and fewer people that will believe there is NOT a spiritual element to what has been happening. Satan knows his time is nearly up. JMO (Just My Opinion).

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WMHarrison94 1 месяц тому назад

Satan? His Synagogue of Satan deginitely, or the (Pedo) Globohomos as we call them. If you think this is bad, I met a historical economists, who in the 90s taught us on a warship. He could not underdtand why our rich were sending mobey to Communist coubtries (We still had a Cold War then.) You kniw what? It was our money nit theirs, ie "George Soros'". And yes, WE FUNDED COMMUNISM and both sides of the Cold War. Do you begin to see how evil these fuckers sre?

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