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"Go On a Roadtrip, Young Man"

Published on 02 Jul 2024 / In People & Blogs
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NeoGeoGamer 2 days ago

Your idea to marry and have kids while broke so she has nothing to steal... it doesn't work. Even if you don't have money, the family court still takes it from you, and when you fail to pay, they put you in jail forever. Woman quality is a problem, but the system is an even bigger problem. The west is simply not hospitable to marriage and family formation, and there's no loophole.

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MartinGOLDBERG 5 hours ago

Works for pookies on welfare, or guys who remove themselves from the system by working cash jobs.

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NeoGeoGamer 2 days ago

I've been to small town USA. It's the same in the ways that matter most. The girls are exactly as slutty, feminist, leftist, and even rattier and backstabbier than in the cities. They're also much less refined.

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NeoGeoGamer 2 days ago

Telling women that you're looking for someone to marry is like telling a used car salesman that you've got $100k to spend.

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Toki 2 days ago

If you're a young single guy you can do anything? He must be wealthy to have that perspective. Everything is too expensive and travelling is for rich people. No matter where you go you are recorded on corporate/Gov cameras out of 1984. Unless you stay home in your room/mancave. If everyone wants to spy on me like a prisoner in the so-called "free world" then I don't want to go anywhere and support the prison life economy.
You get in your car and go on a trip - Do you have ze proper papers? Drivers license tax, vehicle plate tax, tags tax? What's the point of traveling if you're just property in a giant zoo? Speed trap cameras really ruin the fun of driving anywhere. Constantly being spied on and judged for being alive.
You go somewhere trying to do something - The cops show up and arrest you for being alive and trespassing on Gov/corporate property which is everything. Karens show up and cancel everything. Black people show up and burn everything down while bringing real violence and theft. I go outside and assholes are playing rap music at loud volumes. No thank you. I go outside and observe real women at 200 pounds average weight. Or I can stay home and oogle sexy waifus in a more pleasant fantasy world where people are kind to each other. With good music as well.

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Toki 2 days ago

How about I stay home? NEET, avoid spending any money, and avoid taxes while Matt Walsh's family collects welfare and doesn't produce anything of value. They are all women = consumers. Matt is the beta online e-begging instead of having any type of man's job in the man economy. I already have to travel to work/prison. That's enough adventure and being around other stupid humans for me. Having to observe these smartphone zombies ruins the adventure. I don't even have a mobile phone at all now. Waste of money + more taxes.

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