"I'm showing you my strength" --- She needed more strength apparently
Published on 02 Oct 2024 / In
Film & Animation
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Dear,you shouldnt do that its Dangerous,! But he has Pussy Glasses on though Cucked to rhe maxx ....One s gotta just Ejekt from Relationships and let your mind Fly-to Infinity and bejondddddd
One way l would surmise, to chum the lake, or make it foul….
She is an incredibly shit judge of her own capabilities.......
Showing off to the boyfriend.....
Now she needs a Degree, a high paying job, a house, a few fancy cars, to go with her Mrs Muscles the Cat Lady persona....
Another possible candidate for "The Darwin Awards"? Just asking for a friend (Popp/Blake).
What a lovely confident pus... well, the crocodiles below enjoyed her too.