"I Dated A MARRIED Man" Delusional Single Mom Finds Out Dating Is Harder Than It Used To Be
Published on 27 Jul 2024 / In
Ministry - https://www.youtube.com/@Minis....tryofMasculinity/vid
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Why are so many incredibly hansom women, so incredibly fucking stupid?
You may as well buy a Cymbal-banging toy monkey.
It does fuck all besides making a racket, using up batteries, and being generally fucking useless.
And the toy monkey requires winding up - not much of a difference really.
What!?! Like girls don't cover for their girls when they cheat or got caught...
I hope he fucked her and all of her friends...
So? When did a married guy ever stop a girl from taking another girl's man?
44 seconds - I am having to bail - 6:30am - Sick with the flue and very short on tolerance - and I absolutely hate the look and sound of her.....