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"It Is Embarassing!" | Single Women Over 30 COMPLAIN That Men Don't Approach Them Anymore

Published on 01 Jul 2024 / In Entertainment

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Leader_Desslok 1 day ago

if her advice is so good then why can't she manifest a new face that looks less masculine ? also she needs to release the energy and manifest a new personality that actually belongs on a female .

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somelameguy 2 days ago

I think she needs more filters... I still see 'old'

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CircuitDoc1 2 days ago

Maybe that last girl should stop working on breath work and manifesting. She needs to take a cooking class or homemaker 101. Learn to make a sandwich lady.

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The woman at the end is like a fucking useless apprentice who won't sweep up, clean up, pack shit away, or prepare for the next job, by getting all the gear set up, all thetools ready etc.... When you get a really good apprentice or trades assistant - they are really appreciated..... sort of like an industrial butler / high class waiter.... When using specialist welding rods, as soon as your down to the last rod, they are righ beside you with a fresh pile from the oven.... That fucking ding bat needs to get her head slapped.

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Stalwart 2 days ago

Hilarious!!! "Breath work, meditation, plant work, manifesting..." Oh! You breath, imagine things, and do as much of nothing as possible? God these women are giant nothings.

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Leader_Desslok 1 day ago

so this begs the question : if she can do breath work and meditate and manifest ...... why can't she " manifest " her perfect man ? what is she doing alone at her age ? i would think that meditation and manifesting while holding her breath would have produced prince charming out of thin air !

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Stalwart 18 hours ago

@Leader_Desslok: Exactly! So much "healing crystal"-typed bullshit. It also reminds me of how it's usually women who claim to have psychic powers. Way too many single moms out there for that to be true, as that excellent meme says. Women shovel so much shit. It reminds me of a post I saw on FB, when a lady apparently woke up at bullshit o'clock in the night. It's long, but in case you want a laugh, I'll include it below. Imagine if I guy shoveled this kind of BS -- you'd think "He's either on drugs, and/or a total lunatic.": The post (from a "formerly polyamorous", post-wall lady: "Last week, early Wednesday morning between 2am and 3am, I experienced an hour long visionary experience on the heels of processing a deep heart wound. Insomnia befell me that night, with rapid negative thoughts and beliefs spinning in my head. At 130am, I smudged, put on some high frequency music and tried to sleep again around 2am. My thoughts were different after cleansing my space, and one thought in particular entered my mind, "I am exhausted. I am tired of being the only one responsible for my survival." At the moment of saying the word 'survival' in my mind, an explosive energetic charge shot from my root to the center of my head. I cried, and experienced a deeply powerful pain in my heart. I sat up to clear this energy that rose into my head. As the contracted energy rose up and out of my head, I was sling-shotted directly into a potent, hour long vision. Before I could see anything, I could hear drumming. Then, I could see drummers in a circle, sitting around a fire drumming. They were doused in red light against the blackness of my room. 5 beings entered my space, through my door, and formed a circle around me. I held myself still and at bay from any thoughts grounded in fear. I surrendered. The 5 beings proceeded to smudge my energy field. Top to bottom, and directly above my head. I felt peace and calm as the drumming and drummers continued unabated. A 6th being entered the room, and stood beside me for some time before I finally chose to turn toward him. He bowed. I bowed. He then proceeded to kneel down and place his hands and his head on the ground before me. He then disappeared into the floor. The 5 other beings soon after left the space through the door they came in. The drumming continued until I finally got up and departed from the vision. When I returned my head to my pillow, I fell asleep almost instantaneously. None of what happened made any sense to me the following day. It wasn't until I attended this drum-making workshop with my cousin this past weekend that everything clicked. This experience was my call to the drum. I am deeply grateful to explore this path. Wherever it may take me, I know I am not doing it alone."

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