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"It was never enough"

73 Просмотры
Опубликован в 09 May 2023 / В Развлекательная программа

Today we are diving into how does sleeping around mess with or effect your mind. This entire video is credit to @hk-4765 for a comment he made on a recent video post. The question is - do you think sleeping around messes with your mind? And if so, does it effect both men and women the same?

Shoutout to @whatever for the video clip.

#tiktok #dating #relationship


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sauger1001 2 лет тому назад

Had to wash up after listening to this broad.
"Proper garden tool."
Replicant Fish Android

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John_Doe 2 лет тому назад

When the game is rigged, you walk away from the game. That then puts the responsibility for wanting to continue playing on the other player(s); but only if they're willing to adhere to a set of rules that are equitable for ALL players rather than just themselves (i.e. eliminating the family court/divorce laws which favor women at the expense of men).

This solution, however, will take at least one generation - and possibly more - to see it bear any positive change in society. Which means right now in the current climate and under the current laws your choices are:

A) Go monk-mode and have absolutely nothing to do with women.

B) Take your chances with women and hope that you don't get jammed up with a false rape accusation, a false red flag/extreme risk protection order accusation (if you own firearms), a false domestic violence accusation, and/or divorce.

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Councilof1 2 лет тому назад

She has a black hole for a soul and she's trying to fill that void with cock.

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