"Pondering our Post-Petroleum Future" with Michael Ruppert
Peak Moment 28: Michael Ruppert, publisher of FromTheWilderness.com, has made connections between money, Peak Oil, and geopolitics for years. He discusses his move to Ashland and offers specific to-do's around money and investment "in light of the imminent collapse of the U.S. economy": invest locally.
You can read Michael Ruppert's current thinking at www.mikeruppert.blogspot.com.
"Peak Moment: Community Responses for a Changing Energy Future" is an online television series showcasing perspectives and initiatives for local self-reliant living. The half-hour programs feature host Janaia Donaldson's conversations and tours with individuals and communities preparing for accelerating energy decline, climate chaos, and economic uncertainty.
Visit www.peakmoment.tv for dvds with presenters/guests, and to sign up for the Peak Moment newsletter. Info: info@peakmoment.tv.
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Well I got a bicycle I found dumped and refurbed it, plenty of pairs of shoes, most were given to me in fact a number of pairs are "Dead Man's Shoes"! lol! but that's not a problem? Since Covid and lock downs and shit like that, I have totally changed my life to a point where I NOW feel like I live in a small village. I shop locally, OK stuff may cost a bit more, but I have adapted diet and my day to incorporate these changes.
If I need to go a bit further a field I have a small 125cc Motorcycle, but it's NOT essential more a luxury these day's. I'm also debt free and am saving money without doing a thing? i believe the safest route as all this stuff is going to come and the Gaussian Curve is already surpassed anyway's? Is to GET OUT OF DEBT NOW! I've been debt free since 2006 and I have not needed to do with out I just readapted my life early to the SHTF scenario and boy does it make life EASY and STRESS FREE!
Let the bifg by's ROT in their own failure and filth and you can sit and watch in comfort of mind you are not a part of it?