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"We have UFO technology that enables FREE ENERGY" Govt. Whistleblowers | Redacted News

Published on 14 Nov 2024 / In News & Politics

Congress held its 2nd UFO or UAP hearing and finally started talking about the technology that our government has in its possession.

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KEEPER 3 months ago

not sure what the energy they are talking about, but it sounds very much like what Nicola Tesla was working on back when he was working on his Bell which was a UFO shaped craft he made using frequency generators and using his tesla coil tech to extract electricity from the air, it's not powered by air directly, or at least not what Nicola was working on, but a frequency generator can lift objects so long as they have enough power being fed to them, so my guess is it's a combination of the two technologies to accomplish this effect, but i think Tesla didn't have all the tech he needed to make these things work with enough control, i think all he needed was a computer and some automation programs to fly the craft, which in his time didn't exist up until the 1980s, but even those computers weren't advanced enough for what he needed, i think the tech we use now can do it, especially with AI using machine learning in order to counter and predict based on physics and other calculations to gain full control over the craft.

anyway this is just my theory on this. i could be wrong.

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