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"Your Starting to Sound Like My Ex Wife" - Red Pilled To the Max - See Pinned Comment

71 Bekeken
gepubliceerd op 19 Jan 2025 / In Film & Animatie

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 2 maanden geleden  

Yeah as soon as she starts up trying to rip you off for everything, to sell your own life out from under yourself, to strip away everything you ever liked, wanted, hoped for and liked doing - move her out.

Too old, too stupid and too much of an intrusive, controlling, manipulative, ingrate and all round shit.

If she is trying on this shit - this week, she will be trying on something else next week, and the week after and the week after that.

She is nothing but a problem personality - Go MGTOW - and just fuck her off.

Get rid of her.


The script to be saved for all of eternity.

"Uhhh now that we're married, can you sell the motorcycle so we have more money to travel?"

"Your starting to sound like my ex-wife."

"I didn't know you were married before."

( he leans forward and kisses her on the head )

"I wasn't."

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sbseed 2 maanden geleden


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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 2 maanden geleden

Twas the sucking of air, like a gold fish...

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sauger1001 2 maanden geleden

Let's see if she says anything after this conversation. This will determine whose program she wants to be on, her gfs, or his.

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 2 maanden geleden

It's a fairly definitive kind of a hint - "Pull your fucking head in - or your out." She looks like really good ex-wife material.... Old, Homely, A selfish bitch, etc... He though, is pretty fucking cool actually.

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 2 maanden geleden

This is a very astute point, "Let's see if she says anything after this conversation. This will determine whose program she wants to be on, her gfs, or his." - most dumb sluts will run with their idiot, aging out, single mother, girl friends.... Absolutely brilliant insight.

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 2 maanden geleden

Yeah after watching this 10 x I figured out something.

Men never ask the women to sell off thier shit - so that he can go and party around the world on her money.

Men almost never ask the women to give up the things they like doing - for them.

AND the women are so selfish and or broke, as well as brain dead and uncreative, that they have nothing as great as a motorcycle to sell off anyway....

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