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Published on 23 May 2024 / In Film & Animation

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Sounds like he's reading the Talmud... not part of God El's Bible or the duh...I forgot the Jewish word for their Bible the Old Testament... it's Moses's five books Pentarch I believe, the Chronicles, ie their Kings, and then uhm prophets or priests' stories er they had a name for it... I'll have to look it up again (long night) and remember to post it.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Thank you... that's the First one Torah; I believe it relates only to Moses' five books and maybe the Chronicles...

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@WMHarrison94: The sand monkeys invented Jew-Hoover 3100 years ago... So that diety is a little late on the scene. The people in Greece had Zeus and all that shacking up on Mount Olympus 5000 years ago...

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@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: JEW HOOVER haha aka JEHOVA, I forgot where I heard someone say Jews created JESUS and is really JEWSUS haha OK yeah right or as you call him Shane SPACE JESUS haha cool name. Out of Curiosity what do you believe in or believe to be truth and fact SHANE. Just curious as many seem to believe that Zombies, Demons, Aliens and Lizard People are going to get us all haha I'd rather Believe in JESUS helping us than getting killed by any of those scumbags that's just me though. GOD BE WITH YOU GOD BLESS AND GOD SPEED \G/

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I think they are "Titans" or rather "The Sons of God" who each got a kingdom with the whole of earth divided up for them... Still pursuing the ancient literature, which some of us speculate is in the Vatican Archives... ie Secret Archives.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: the Lizard people are going to get us... A Christian monk said God told the Serpent to eat dirt after Eden, though personally I think that Serpent sodomized both Eve and Adam hence the removal from Eden and apparently that Serpent got its limbs cut off, but the "dirt" is us humans "From dust to dust" as this monk said. It got me thinking...We know Operation Paperclip was us the US stealing away German NAZI rocketry scientists... the ones who volunteered, but the ones left were voluntold by Russians to make their Space program. So, Our Cold War was our NAZI scientis and engineers versus Russia's NAZI scientists and engineers. The funny thing they recognized each others' work continents apart...Those Americanized NAZIs said they had help...Who? Aliens? Lizard People? Anonauki?

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@WMHarrison94: funny can't remember which christian section said it accoaccording to their dogma (Mormon, Baptist, Methodist, Eveangelical or even agnostic) I can't remember it said that EVE slept with the Snake in front of ADAM OR ADEM OR (ADOM aka a dominant) and thus was the beginning of BEASTIALITY and hence why there cunts and whores recently were fucking their dogs and now moving to get fucked by bears. Sick disgusting depraved cunts. Or so that's what I heard

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@WMHarrison94: The Vat - Of - Cum.....

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@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: I cannot format this into paragraphs and links, but it will reveal much... OK a crash course in history and fairy stories.... There was a King in Babylon called Hammurabi, he set up the city / state laws of the land, and they were called the "Code of Hammurubi" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_of_Hammurabi ----- the laws are here ----- https://en.wikisource.org/wiki..../The_Laws_of_Hammura ---- https://en.wikisource.org/wiki..../Codex_Hammurabi_(Ki (my favourite... has the salutations and prologue) https://en.wikisource.org/wiki..../The_Laws_of_Hammura - well read them and then read the first 11 books of the old testament.... WHY? Because when King Darius the Sumarian went to war against the Babylonians - he won and set all their war slaves free, and some of these came from around judea, and they stole the bylaws of Babylon and everywhere it was written, "I the king said", they rubbed it out and wrote in, "Our Deity Said, we the Priests said" - so around 6 or 8 books of first 11 books of the old testament, are based upon plagarisim... ---- yes the jew cult is only 3100 years old... and it's all based upon make believe... So the son of the fictitious jew diety... is non existent... and the book of relevation... "I am the Apha and the Omega - the beginning and the end of all times" - Yeah the jew cult is 3100 years old.... that is not much of an eternity... It's ALL superstitious bullshit.....".

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@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Vat of CUM haha yeah Facts with all the Gay sex then have seen it more as VATI CUNT still VAT OF CUM hah

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@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: And what did you think of the Stele? And the Laws of Babylon? https://upload.wikimedia.org/w....ikipedia/commons/thu

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@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Thank you FÃœHRER SHANE yep Jews are are CULT indeed. HARD to think anything Positive of BABYLON even if they had a Great King, it was the Birthplace of SODOM AND GOMORRAH there is it and will believe in GOD and JESUS over that and you might be right as they wrote alot of shite to BENEFIT THEMSELVES. THANKS SHANE \G/

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@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: Point out the site of Sodom and the site of Gamorrah to me. Starting from here. https://www.google.com/maps/@3....5.6452018,51.2711676

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@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: https://upload.wikimedia.org/w....ikipedia/commons/6/6

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: there's an ancient text: the "Church" calls them fakes but can't specify in too much detail why because they're just erase the canonical gospels by the same methods. . Which we do know now that Emperor Constatine modified some of the texts to make Rome look good or better: Guess using Christians as burning lamp post and lion fodder wasn't a good "image." It's something, something Adam and Eve... like the Sins of A+E or the Testament or something... I was more I retested in the AlphaBet of Ben Suri I think it was... I read the online archives of its translation...I think A Time for Uprising/Fire Uprising or damn... trying to remember his name... he had a ball cap sent to him by a fan with tinfoil inside sown onto the ball cap...Damn I might need to start buying tinfoil...LOL! I learned of the three volumes of Enoch... Noah's grandfather or grand uncle .. there's two references... could be elders were considered everybody's grandfather like with the Pynesiams in Oceania. Anyway, I was more interested in the Lilith and Adam story where he refuses to let her ride him on top during sex... remember Adam was in a garden kind of small and walked everywhere nude. Lilith said they were equal having been created together. I say damn dude... Cowgirl or reverse Cowgirl! Somebody bitch slap this fool... but then she said fuck you I'm out. God El told her to stay and she was Hell no... so she left. God El sent three angels after her but she refused... now cut to the Bible Genesis Book 2 Adam is depressed (in melancholy as they wrote it) and God El "knocks him out" anesthesia ie put sleep upon him and then opens him up and draws a rib... I believe God El put Adam on anesthesia, surgically opened him up... since he was young, virile extracted costal stem cells (Rib stem cells responsible for blood cells) out of him mentioning the rib and ignorant ancient folk understood rib... not the stem cells portion. And to top it off the Old Epitaph "King of the Mountain," which Tolkien parallel in The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings as "King Under the Mountain," well that's God El... King of the Mountains... so He has three mountains Holy to Him, Eden, where we know where it is, Mount Sinai, we know where it is thanks to Simcha Jocobovich (Naked Archaeologist) and James Camero. (Obviously Terminator and Avatar), and Jerusalem... the Mount where Abraham almost killed Isaac... but Isaac was "sacrificed" to live a hard life for his father's God El snd his "Kinsman" as they called God El in his day. I don't know if you know but 3's are "magickal" or powerful numbers hence three: God the Father (The Mind, the Creator), God the Son Jesus (Yoshua Kristos) The Word Made Flesh, and God the Holy Spirit He Who speakers through the Prophets... plus the whole women's life summary: Maiden, Mother, and Crone... So, there is alot involved. I tried recording my DVD of Finding Eden to post but my computers keep not recording it?! MicroShaft fucked me via updates... for am abandoned OS, ue Win10. Maybe, I'll have better luck with Win7.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: God's real, but the Jews drew from older texts some were based on the eye witnesses to the texts as it occured...

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Sorry... kind of writing Truths and trying to remember the source...I do bive that Adam and Eve book is on the Forbidden Bible List... so History Channels's Banned From the Bible or BFTB 2 has it listed in those videos.

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@WMHarrison94: Switch to Linux.

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@WMHarrison94: I will ask them, while we are having a romp in the hot tub together this morning..... "Hey JC, Adam and Eve, Harrison recons this.... (blah blah blah - shows them the laptop screen) Could you fill in the details?" - Yeah and they did... told me everything.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I plan to and I watch his Channel SwitchedToLinux. I have a used laptop acting up... I can't log in and use it: It crashes during the log in part. I might just wipe it on my day off and load Open SUSE or Fedora on to it. I mean it's i5, 16 GB, and I think 512 GB HDD. It might have enough memory for recording well and editing.

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@WMHarrison94: Microsoft is a cactus up your arse. Be Rid of it. Linux has improved heaps over the years... Really. Linux 99.9% uptime and almost anything bad that happens is because I caused it. Microsoft = Problems and Nothing but Problems. Shitty Software and Shitty programming..... A total mind fuck. https://images.squarespace-cdn.....com/content/v1/60db

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@WMHarrison94: What is the cause of the boot up problems, software / bad sectors etc?

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: don't know... I keep trying to troubleshoot it but they keep calling me in to work every time I tried...

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@WMHarrison94: There are all these testing tools for hard drive failure / corruption / bad bios etc.. Done it all - Long time ago though..... Set up a USB Linux Boot Disk - with the operation system on the USB stick, and there are testing tools in that OR you can set up testing tools on a USB stick.... https://unetbootin.github.io/ -------- https://www.system-rescue.org/ ------------- https://www.techradar.com/best..../best-linux-repair-a --------- https://www.digitalocean.com/c....ommunity/tutorials/t ----------- https://www.techrepublic.com/a....rticle/10-linux-resc ============== https://www.howtogeek.com/8877....57/how-to-use-grub-r ------------------------ There is a ton of stuff in these - figure out what you need and use it - I'd be checking for bad sectors, corrupted file system and then bios.... IF the hardware checks out or can be worked out / around then install, or buy a new HDD first / second hand mother board etc.. then do a fresh install of the Linux version you want.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: My computer most of them I don't believe have the USB boot option... I think two laptops do, not sure about my All-In-One (AIO)... I was almost wondering if I could trouble shoot the Windows with Linux? I have a boot installer USB drive which I put Open SUSE or Fedora or... fuck maybe CentOS? It was before Mint or Majero were popular.. It's funny... my AIO keeps saying upgrade to Win1q so they can spy on me more easily , but my AIO doesn't meet the standards when I have a weaker laptop with Win11 already on it. I don't use it. It has a calculator in the touchpad but I need to find Linux drivers before I "fix" that Win11 laptop... I barely found an touchscreen app for Linux but then I dropped my touchscreen Netbook and cracked the screen.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Thanks. I'll have to remember to copy these links when I get home. Did you hear? I know SwitchedToLinux mentioned it, but I think it went main stream: Bill Gates' Microshaft have been spying on you through Office Word especially... Glad I went to Open and Libre Office years ago... trying to learn GIMP now and Simple Screen Recorder... SDR not working so well on my AIO. Anyways, he let it leak that MicroShaft is now spying on you on your computer and they can lock at least your MS Office account if ghey don't like what you're saying .. I'm sure it's not Election Meddling but Antisemitism, even though semitic means nothing, only a "class" of languages, ie ancient Middle Eastern languages... fucking Jews always lying...

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@WMHarrison94: Look at what your genuine needs are, and fit the OS to that... I have a LOVELY little net book... slower than a 3 legged donkey in a steeple chase.... I souped it right up with all the RAM it would take, and a bigger HDD - I think that was a cheap SSD.... AND if I run anything other than say 2 or 3 programs at the same time, like Firefox and 3 or 4 tabs open.. it starts to bog down to a stop. Runs Variants of Google Chrome quite well... The USB ports on it and the electrical contacts are more like dry worn tin can pressings... and 1 of the 3 is a charging port only... and or the mother board is cracked on the USB.... It's good for watching videos / low yield internet work, and not overly complex or long document production. BUT it runs Linux Mint just fine... With the XFCE interface... I buy all my computers from reputable second hand / office closures / from a guy on Ebay... and I get what was once upon a time, kind of pricy units... (office work ones not flash gaming systems) that are 3 to 5 years old... and add extra RAM and maybe a bigger solid state drive etc.. The price of a decent but basic ex office laptop is around the price of the new basic (pieces of shit) netbooks / chrome books - with fuck all of anything in them.

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@WMHarrison94: I hacked the data stream on my OLD windows sytem and looked up a lot of operating files that had access to the ports, and they were spying upon everything comeing in and going out - and sending the reports back to microsoft and whoever..... This has been so incredibly detailed - basically everything anyone has ever done, is known... IP address's the secret registration codes in all the files, all the part numbers of your phone and computer, and all the different bits of hardware in them... chip, HDD, bios, mother boards, CD / DVD drives etc.. EVERYTHING is known and traced - Microsoft / Google have been doing this shit for decades.... Every program, every thing made with it, everything that was sent - FROM - TOO - VIA - WHEN - all recorded.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Yeah. I found dome second hand computer shops from SwitchedToLinux and I buy some on Amazon, but Amazon will send you "substitutes" occasionally... I ordered a Dell or Lenovo used laptop and t hey sent me an HP with twice the HDD memory, but that's the one not booting up! I believe it even has a cellular card slot...

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I have different needs, but enough computers to use them. I have two mini towers er mini minis, but one the plug is fidgety so I am not risking loading Linux on that: That's my every day video watching and dhit posting computer on my big screen HD TV... then I bought a replacement mini mini to put Linux on, but I thought my WiFi was going out?! My firestick in my bedroom has no problem connecting to it neither my phone, but I had yo add wired connections for my AIO and Every day mini. I had notvried my other laptops...and sometimes my Steam Deck refuses to connect... but unplug for fifteen minutes and some shit works, not WIN 10 apparently.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Guess I'm on Pedo Bill's naughty speeak Truth List...

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@WMHarrison94: Check if the RAM and CPU types are actually compatible with the unit... AND if they are, you can check the RAM and BIOS with software checks from a USB drive..... There is some formidable software in the "rescue linux" software.

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@WMHarrison94: Change the plug over... Easy...

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What a vile disgusting scum, instant woodchipper for this scumbag

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Sounds like he's reading the cheat code book, The Talmud.

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