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Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi quotes Hitler on how Jews brought Holocaust upon themselves

Published on 26 Jul 2024 / In Other

Since as a kid I always found it weird how the education system here in America always hyper focused on Hitler and the nazis and how white people were always made to feel ashamed while clearly ignoring the history of communism and its atrocities meanwhile all these left-wing groups were huge advocates for communism. Then I learned what a Bolshevik was and my spergy pattern recognition kicked in and it all made sense to me. It's always been the Jews behind a lot of major negative political events including feminism. Since I believe Satan to be real and an actual living being it makes sense that he takes what god does and does the opposite that includes using gods chosen to do his evil biddings because god always called upon the original Israelites of the bible to work for him on earth until after he send his son as a sacrifice and completely divorced from the Hebrew Israelites and now anyone can be a jew if they accept Christ as their savor.

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usr6874038614 13 days ago

Not all chosen ones are the same, but it is high time they start to realize why the world doesn't like them: history predicts the future. Their folks were always involved in the major destruction and chaos events worldwide in the past. Who would not become wary of such people?

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myopinion 7 months ago

Search these words: ----------> ABRAHAMIC RELIGIONS MEANING. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... This is what you find, if you were to lazy to do so. ------------------------------------------------------------> The Abrahamic religions are a grouping of three of the major religions together due to their historical coexistence and competition; it refers to Abraham, a figure mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, the Christian Bible, and the Quran, and is used to show similarities between these religions and put them in contrast to Indian religions, Iranian religions, and the East Asian religions. Wikipedia THESE 33333333333333333333333 RELIGIONS HAVE BEEN .................... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . THE MAIN PROBLEM . . . MY ENTIRE LIFE ................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THEY ARE WHAT HAS CAUSED, . . . SO MUCH WAR & DEATH & MISERY. ... ........ ....... ....... ...... LEAVE THE CHURCH ................ TO FINALLY, . . . BRING PEACE .

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 7 months ago

I met him in Los Angeles back in 2015

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i dont even remember what i did or who i spoke to in 2015 that TRTMAXXING must be keeping your memory sharp and working great wonders for you, TFM did say that TESTOSTERONE is the hormone of the GODS haha

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