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Race relations and the spiral of violence in America/Europe: Rudolf B & JR Nyquist (29 de set. de 2019)

Published on 13 Nov 2024 / In Other
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Jaygo 3 months ago

Smh.. The problem is. The reason people like you guys can never, and would never find a resolution to your problem is because you can't be honest enough to admit the real problem and address it. Also. America has always been a "multi racial" society from it's inception. That is a historical fact.. The fact that you can't be honest about that is a perfect example of what i mean. America was officially born in 1776. 1619 was the year the Slaves were bought over to North America and continued. So, saying "America has been multi racial for a few centuries" oppose to saying it was multiracial from it's inception is not only being dishonest to the audience, but also to yourself. Which again, is why i say you can never fix a problem that you're not willing to be honest about.

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