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RAF not hiring white men

Published on 18 Aug 2022 / In Film & Animation

So the RAF are not hiring WHITE MEN anymore? Hum"! I wonder how the Battle of Britain may have turned out? they want only BAME members now. Well as far as the RAF goes from me as a White MANM I'll simply say Go fuck yourself. I can see a large influx of Arab's and Muslim';s joining up so they can go learn how to fly a bomber! Now if you were or are Black in the Britain of 2022 or come to think of it if you were white as well would you want to or to trust an organisation that is saying "We cant protect or skies, so let's have BLACK's as the cannon fodder? It puts me in mind of what Henry Ford once said about his Mosel "T", You can have it in any color you like as long as it's black. Black or White or Yellow or Brown skin doesn't determine your intelligence. I in fact know some pretty THICK white people, mainly women may I add! lol! but I have in the past worked with or known intelligent ethnic peoplke as well a couple are good friends by the way, but neither are in the RAF! lol! All of this comes from that giving everyone a prize at school evcen for losing. Now it is in the ledtist mainstream of "Things to Fuck Up". As a Whiter guy in todays world I wouldn't lift a finger in support of this wasteland of a nation the UK, so what makes the RAF or Universirties or any dead traditional system think that any ethnic person would want to serve this shit hole place? Nationalism today is all about poliics so no point in being a flag waving supported for a land and culture although never perfect tbut neither the less is noew non existent?

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WMHarrison94 3 years ago

I have been to Afghanistan, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kirghistan, Ukraine, Israel, Jordan, and Tajikistan for the OIL or as we joked Operation Iraqi Liberation.... It sucked, though the Russian women were nice (and really thin unlike the US.) Afghanistan had a lot of mines; a real hot place that was.

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Yeah - some technical points.... didn't go over so well.... - the language and accent etc., but the illumination of the bullshit in terms of recruitment standards etc., totally spot on.

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