Random Fireside Chat
Published on 25 Nov 2021 / In
People & Blogs
Clown world is getting even funnier day by day.
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the dumb and dumber trilogy.. lol..
maan, I did good.. monk here lately.. cooked a full turkey in my huge crock pot.. partially thawed ,, went in with 1.5 coffee mugs of water.. stick of butter, ,salt, pepper and paprika.. turkey in with plastic tie still in place.. flipped it a couple times ,, foil cinched with cooking string on top// . . high setting.. 185 degrees thermometer at almost 5 hours..added onion at 3 hours.. drained and set on cookie sheet 30 minutes at 450 in oven burned off steam and browned the skin.. Used wings for gravy and stuffing.. so easy.. potatoes, turkey and stuffing with gravy.. buttered green beans . and ovaltine.. good enough for me.. had a few beers talking shit with old friend earlier.. I am set for days now.. as Hammer Hand would say , fcukabitch.. best to all monks.. ; )
Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
The thing is, with the knee-jerk emotional and unthinking voters, they didn't only vote for Poopy Joe, they also voted for Grewsom-Newsance. People can bitch all they want about cheating in the recall election. The reality is the overwhelming majority really did vote in favor of Grewsom-Newsance. It's better to see that reality for what it is, and to the point what it says about the people who live in Cuckifornia, even as disturbing and painful as it is. I've completely had it with Cuckifornia. To hell with Cuckifornia. As for the trollops, they've made their own beds (such as their beds are), so let them lie in them -- alone (or with their cats, I suppose). To hell with the trollops too.
One of the things I learned is that women hate it when you try to solve their problems. They lose respect for you immediately if you even suggest that you want to help, or alternatively, they will think that you're glossing over their feelings. Believe it or not, this is how they WANT to live. If you see suffering in their eyes, it means they're very very happy, because they're getting exactly what they want.