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Rated G, "Family Friendly" --> MGTOW

Published on 24 Dec 2024 / In News & Politics

December 2016

Comment: We are subject to the dictates of a very small number of people who want to control our thinking and conduct. They are totally self-serving in their ambitions for us. I support Beck in this message. We have seen how MSM Legacy NEWS has tried to control conclusions and direct your sentiments and behaviors towards foreign agendas. At present you are being influenced by the Israeli's using much the same techniques. If you doubt that statement I ask you to look at what they do to those who do NOT support the Jewish agenda with 100 percent commitment. We will spend our treasure, and perhaps our blood, to serve another group who arrogantly feels they are "entitled" to our service and lives. After death you will be judged as to how closely your soul guarded truth and justice and not how compliantly you lived your life.

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