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Rather Well Done

Published on 01 Jul 2024 / In Film & Animation

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Councilof1 2 days ago

Nope. I'm not that bored. I can't imagine being so bored with life that I'd do thing's like that to feel anything.

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Yeah I was so bored too - watching that fine piece of pussy all the way off and all the way down.... Then I thought, "We ought to introduce this as a sport at the feminist olympics - but we need to drain the pool - because pools are sexist."

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Councilof1 2 days ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I was half expecting her to land shallow or hit a rock.

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@Councilof1: Time the fall and then calculate the rate of acceleration of 9.8 meters per second squared, and figure out how fast she was going when she hit the water....

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