Ray Epps Gets NO JAIL TIME, Sentenced To Probation Despite INCITING J6 Riot
Published on 10 Jan 2024 / In
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Wait I thought it was a protest, not a riot? Either way how many of those idiots gave the royalty power by working in the military/police enforcer class? At least one ex-military female (lol) got shot. She will no longer be collecting welfare from male taxpayers who are peaceful productive tax slaves instead of murderers/thieves like her. Then these "patriots" will encourage their sons to do the same. While their daughters are single moms on welfare/alimony just like the other cult that is blue instead of red.
Has this Epps person ever had a real job? A man job. Production/maintenance. Probably not. Just like you Tim the commie who collects superchats from lonely people who have no friends. They buy your attention using money lol. Clown world.
Three layer tin-foil hat:
Ray Epps was acting on behalf of another party both in urging people to go into the capitol as well as encouraging breaching of barriers however flimsy they may or may not be.
The goal of the 'insurection' was an actual insurection by multiple parties using civilians as cover and as a distraction.
Ray Epps was not prosecuted heavily because the party he was acting on behalf of did not own the judge, but one of the other competing parties who benefited greatly did.
The unspoken part would be that there were multiple parties acting at the same time in the same theatre; the agendas and goals of each party met an intersection; Ray acted against the least popular of the acting parties gaining clemency for thwarting the most disruptive group. Ray is alive and free because it's easier to pick someone up off the street than from inside a jail cell; I would wager that Ray is still 'bait' since he hasn't "commited suicide" or "died" yet.
The more public the figure you need extracted the more boring an end... maybe he was helping the homeless one night and got mugged on the way to his car; happens all the time, less obvious than a sudden heart attack while on stage... or (successfully) choking to death on a pretzel