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(re upload) Welcome to Britain 3 - suicide rising

Published on 14 Mar 2020 / In Film & Animation

(re upload i uploaded a flawed version)⁣This is controversial. I personally think we should have had benifiets how ever we live in a system and a world where many people would suffer at the hands of where the system has taken us and allowed it to go.

I am in a situation thats is my own. I currently recieve zero benifiets and have had my electrical engineering course stopped as they pulled the money because i "wasnt looking for work" basically they brung up my entire medical history and used thet to try and demoralize me to say i should not become one. all because they wanted my to apply for work that was nothing to do with the trade i was learning. If anyoene knows. Electrical engineering is old school. The amount of phone calls i made which they cannot use as "proof" they withdrawed my money and i am now off the course. I thought they was trying to get people back into work?

im not going to lie, i wanted to become sparky. i wanted to go into renewable energies. That is no longer an option for me. In light of how they used war tactics on me to get me to withdraw they did it. This is what i was working on for a while but eventually got the push to finish it up.

If you know anyone in a bad vunrable place. Please take the time to help and be patient with them. sometimes you have to hold you hand out for the 100th time and they eventually take it. If you love them. Spend time on be patient with them. Life is not easy.

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Doggk 5 years ago

The amount of people who take their own lives in Europe is scary... All Europe is affected by that problem.. North of EU is the place where most suicides take place.. Then UK, France, Belgium, holland, Germany, spane, portugal, greece, italy... But EU-commision prefers to hide the problem by lying on the amount of people committing suicide and legalize euthanasia.. Europe is collapsing.. No one makes kids anymore... Women have too much rights now.. Homosexuality becomes a new trend... Young people quit the continent for a better hope somewhere else.. Taxes are so high, sometimes you ask yourself "am I in a communist country ??? Amount of old people is growing up.. Economy is shrinking.. Millitary and Police struggles to find new candidates and money.. No patriotism anymore... Corrupted politians keep smoking the money of Europe... Because of that Authorities have no money anymore... Justice doesn't work anymore, too slow, uneffective.. Migrants invade the continent and make their laws.. Citizens are getting arrested from stopping the migrants getting in their homeland... Man Europe is going to die... Sooner than we expected.. That's why Britain has quit !

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 5 years ago

all orchestrated of course and we have infiltrators infecting anything that can remedy the problem, masquerading as something else when there just branding the same old stay on the plantation shit at the end of it all. We have zionist/willing puppet infiltrators ready to try and demroalize, fabricate and distract any movements from actual progress creating division and distress. *cough mgtow dictionary cough* Sociopathy and psychopathy have taken over the world which has resulted in an education system creating sociopaths and narcissism everywhere.Europe will always be lost aslong as isreal are funded, supported and allowed to do wth it wants to do, like lob rockets over a wall to people with barely a poatato gun

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