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Reagan, Star Wars, Trump, & Power | Dennis Quaid | EP 450

Published on 20 May 2024 / In People & Blogs

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down in person with legendary actor Dennis Quaid. They discuss his upcoming film in which he portrays the titular Ronald Reagan, what the former president understood about Marxism, how he dealt with the Soviet cold war, how an actor learns to leave the character after each take, the responsibility to portray flaws as well virtues, existing as an Independent in Hollywood, and the state of the industry as well as the country today.

Dennis William Quaid is an American actor and gospel singer. He is known for his starring roles in Breaking Away (1979), The Right Stuff (1983), The Big Easy (1986), Innerspace (1987), Great Balls of Fire! (1989), Dragonheart (1996), The Parent Trap (1998), Frequency (2000), The Rookie (2002), The Day After Tomorrow (2004), In Good Company (2004), Flight of the Phoenix (2004), Yours, Mine & Ours (2005), and Vantage Point (2008). He received a Golden Globe Award nomination for his role in Far from Heaven (2002). Quaid has appeared in over a hundred and twenty feature films, and The Guardian named him one of the best actors never to have received an Academy Award nomination.

This episode was filmed on May 3rd, 2024

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Reagan (Upcoming film)

- Chapters -

(0:00) Coming up
(0:34) Intro
(2:09) Upcoming film: Reagan
(4:16) Living through unstable times, what Reagan stood for
(9:50) Reagan’s movie career: “there was already John Wayne”
(11:24) The goal is to foment chaos
(13:30) Being an independent in Hollywood
(14:45) The humility behind the grandeur, touring Reagan’s home
(18:12) “There was something in Reagan that was unknowable”
(20:24) Bankrupting the Soviets, project Star Wars
(22:36) Prepping for the role, capturing Reagan’s smile
(25:47) Going deeper than an impersonation, why we go to the movies
(27:20) Leaving the character after the take, playing Jerry Lee Lewis
(30:41) Quaid on Trump: “look at his kids”
(32:15) Balancing responsibility to your family with responsibility to the world
(35:37) An accurate portrayal includes the flaws, what Reagan got wrong
(39:05) Faults and virtues are not so easy to distinguish
(42:19) Trump’s accomplishments as president
(44:17) Being an independent in Hollywood, attempted cancellations
(49:00) Where politics goes too far
(55:49) The state of Hollywood post-pandemic, the last real movie stars, social media
(1:04:29) Producing films like they used to, upcoming projects

Discovering Personality:
Self Authoring Suite:
Understand Myself (personality test):

// BOOKS //
Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life:
12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos:
Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief:

#JordanPeterson #JordanBPeterson #DrJordanPeterson #DrJordanBPeterson #DailyWirePlus

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Now, the Commies are doing it to us destroying our economy!! Revenge maybe!?!

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