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Reality Is a Bitch

Published on 02 Aug 2024 / In Film & Animation

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mrghoster 2 months ago

The MALE's femons want to be like ARE TOXIC, this is why femon's are so TOXIC because they only take the bad parts of a MALE's psyche, they are not interested in the GOOD GUY's, well not until they moan they cant find Us! lol! We have our own lives now far removed from the poison of the TOXIC FEMON. We live and thrive whilst they just rot to nothing, and we don't want to spoil our livers by being anywhere near these CUNT'S. Not to tsakl to them, or help them, or definitely NOT be responsible for them, they are truly on their own now.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 months ago

Femons seem to have no redeeming qualities......everyday a male somewhere realizes it and shuts them out

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mrghoster 2 months ago

Femon's POWER has about as much CLOUT as a dead Duracel bunny! lol! As for if the red one is a femon or a Male doesn't interest me in the slightest. you see we hear all the time about femon's invading MEN's space but when a guy put's on the frilly knickers the femon's don't like that do they, even if the deluded guy thinks he is a femon BUT becoming like a femon requires DELUSION and MENTALL ILLNESS just to participate doesn't it? They are PATHETIC!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 months ago

The certainly have become very pathetic

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 2 months ago

My friend, who loves to gamble, put a bet on the trannies in both matches. Only paid out a few bucks on each. Everybody knew who was going to win; zero odds/no brainer.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 months ago

Femons are breeders, not fighters

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Shadewalker 2 months ago

Never had a desire to fight a woman, much rather fool around with them.
But can't do that anymore.
Guess I'll go play some Baldur's Gate 3.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 months ago

Good decision buddy

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