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Rear Ended

Published on 26 Nov 2021 / In Film & Animation


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I found the video.... Some months back some people posted some videos, of stupid fucking women, who when their cars played up, they didn't say "OH fuck this!" and aimed for the break down / emergency lane on the side of the road, OR they just decided to pull up and have a sleep - then and there.....

But it was on dark sections of the freeway at night......

And their cars were DARK coloured, on dark road, and the rear red parking lights were on, and there were people driving along at 70 miles an hour (~120 Kmh) coming up behind them.....

And in any second there was going to be a collision, a lot of damage, and perhaps people were going to die or be damaged for life.....

These fucking idiot women should have gotten their cars burned and have been beaten with cricket wickets......

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Councilof1 3 years ago

How do people fail to notice the stationary object directly in front of them?

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They glaze over and mentally switch off...... It's a real issue - kind of like mentally sleeping while your eyes are open and your just driving and driving and driving..... That is why parking on the freeway is SO extraordinarily dangerous.... This is not abnormal - this is a REAL danger on the freeways... and highways.... You just glaze over and stare ahead and keep the car in the centre of the lane and run over what ever is in the way..... It's a way to go into a coma and still be alive - brain 99% off - eyes open...

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sauger1001 3 years ago

No flashers on?

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You would be surprised at how fucking dumb so many people are - "Oh Oh the engine is failing - flashers on while I am heading for the side of the road and coming to a stop as far as I possibly can, in the break down lane..." ------- Nope! The car motor stops.... apply the brakes, get out, and leave it in the middle of the road... no flashers, no nothing.....

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bigintol03 3 years ago


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