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Recollections of the Civil War, by Charles Dana [audiobook]

Published on 03 Jul 2021 / In Other

Rec⁣ollections of the Civil War by Charles Anderson Dana (1819 - 1897]
Charles Dana was invited to work in the Union War Department [1863-5 ] as part of the administration

⁣I was impressed by C. Dana's personal observation of Gen. Grants administrative staff which, Dana, outlined in Ch. 5. This provides the reader with a peculiarly sensitive insight into the disposition of U. S. Grant.

Table of contents:
00:00:00 00 - Preface
00:03:21 01 - From the Tribune to the War Department
00:32:20 02 - At the front with Grant's army
00:59:38 03 - Before and Around Vicksburgfff
⁣1:19:38 04 - In camp and battle with Grant and his generals
01:40:55 05 - Some contemporary portraits
02:20:30 06 - The siege of Vicksburg
02:45:17 07 - Pemberton's surrender
03:05:59 08 - With the Army of the Cumberland
03:33:57 09 - The removal of Rosecrans
03:55:53 10 - Chattanooga and Missionary Ridge
04:30:29 11 - The War Department in war times
04:53:43 12 - Abraham Lincoln and his cabinet
⁣5:27:24 13 - The Army of the Potomac in '64
05:53:54 14 - The great game between Grant and Lee
06:12:55 15 - The march on Petersburg
06:29:19 16 - Early's raid and the Washington panic
06:47:20 17 - The secret service of the war
07:07:44 18 - A visit to Sheridan in the valley
⁣7:29:56 19 - 'On to Richmond' at last!
07:46:27 20 - The Closing Scenes at Washington

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