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Red Pill Germany: Anti Government Protests All Over Germany

Published on 16 May 2020 / In Film & Animation

Produced by Red Pill Germany. I do not own nor profit from this content.

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Bagoodman 5 years ago

It's the same in the *US* It looks like there trying to get the people use to getting a gov check . And there doing things that do not make any sense Like A woman in the park with her kids was arrested and you can go to the store but not to church ! And you cant go fishing alone ? It looks like thay want to see how much control of the people thay have Just by telling people what to do ! Taking our Rights away without Firing a shot .And a lot of people are falling for it.... ON a Side Note- - Is your weather doing strange Things ? The Magnetic north pole is in Greenland Now and it moves back and forth every day And People are talking about the sun being in places it has not been before ( like a strip of a garden getting light now and never before ) Is this happening to you too ? (( AND TO ALL YOUR VEIWERS if this is happening in your part of the World LET ME KNOW We should all be talking about it.)) Thanks for your time .

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The_One_G3R 5 years ago

Habe dieses Video nicht auf Youtube angeschaut, aber falls du dort Untertitel hast vergiss was ich nun sage. Aber ich finde es strange das du in englischer Sprache vorträgst aber die Überschriften und Titel nicht übersetzt.
PS. da ich ein FAN von dir bin würde ich mich sogar anbieten dir dabei ggf. zu helfen. Aber soweit ich es höre ist dein Englisch auch ohne mich gut genug......

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