Red Pill Grief Cycle: Part 8: Into the Valley Once More
Published on 02 Apr 2020 / In
People & Blogs
Background Music:
I Cannot Forget You Yet by The Brothers Records. Courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library.
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ManWomanMyth/ HumanityBites I owe you so much brother.
5:25 Ouch is my reaction to your brain injury.
I'm used to defeat, the red pill was not devastating for me hahaha but the honk pill make my life better, and there is many beautyfull things out of society, politics and money.
things like, cience, filosophy, fighting, sports, art and so on.
is man woman myth's right sided cranial deformity from GSW or craniotomy to relieve ICP? i'm reading different stories. and i thought they had almost no firearms in the uk? some say he had a brain hemorrhage
That man was fucking ahead of his time , hes so damn right about men being objects when tragedy happens to them.
Ohh good more shit music with bass while someone is talking ................