redpills pt 13 - TheRedKnight

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Red Pill Moments XD

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Published on 11 Nov 2023 / In Film & Animation

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Uggghhhhhh Charming, tactful and appreciative - all the desirable qualities in a woman, that you could ever want.

She was a nasty little fat cunt cunt then, I wonder what she, transformed into, or IF she is still even alive, what she is like now.

I bet she swelled up like a fucking balloon and did her self in on the booze and the prescription drugs and perhaps the illicit ones to to try and get her weight down and sort of got to the top of the crazy roller coaster one day and found she had run out of track.


AT 1:30 - she is laying it about about fucking him off... and how much she loved "Nick" the other guy - but Nick is a trash bag of a man - nasty, low IQ and perfect for this shit hole of a bitch....

The nice guy Cuck - should have shown her the door the moment she started up her screwing around and other shit....

And I bet bitch face and Nick - that would have gotten nasty, and nastier.....
When she got to dump her whipping boy, and Nick the prick, ran out of people they thought they could stand over, and be fucking ingrates about, they would have most likely turned on each other...

Not sure of all the dates - as I am in Australia and Springer I assume would have been established and grown, before he was sold over here, so that would have been 2 to 3 years of lag (behind the most current episodes - kind of) and I think this came on TV about 35 years ago in Australia... SHE looks about 25 - 27 years old... making her about 58 - 65 years old now...

It would have been interesting to do a really comprehensive story on "Where are they now" and a flick through of the details of "This fat bitch" and Nick the wonder prick's life...

I'll wager that every step they took, was a step down.. and a step worse.

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sauger1001 11 months ago

This broad is simply monkey branching, and both these guys are idiots.
Is that Steve Wilkos on stage? Must be an older version of ((("JERRY... JERRY... JERRY..."))).

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bigintol03 11 months ago

I couldn't have said it better myself!

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profhugodegaris 11 months ago

We punish them so severely that we effectively exterminate them, by totally ignoring them, not even pumping and dumping them, forcing them to rot on the shelf, dying slow miserable deaths, manless, loveless, sexless, babyless and spat at. Masculists hate gender criminal women who commit horrible, decades lasting, gender crimes against men, e.g. man slavery, divorce rape, forced fathering, etc. Women commit far worse gender crimes against men than vice versa, which is why masculists see monoconscious feminists (who have only had their feminist consciousness raised) as hypocritical bigots, and they too are forced to rot on the shelf. Masculists put strong moral pressure on women to FIP up (FIP = financially independent person) and to become biconscious (by learning some masculism so they learn that gender oppression is a TWO way street.) Masculists label feminists who are monoconscious, MFBs (monoconscious feminazi bigots).

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deathdealer 11 months ago

That will be two cucks and a slut to go and an order of fries.

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bigintol03 11 months ago


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TheRedKnight 11 months ago

this is a OLD clip of jerry springer, its infamous for two reasons.... so yeah :P

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