Thank you Eugene your advice is priceless as always see you on the other side of 2025 Stay Alive Do or Die and don't surrender to Pedo Strammer Bummer and Fishy CURRY CUNT Rishi \G/
I always thought that Bit Coin was a scam that was slowly being built up into the theft of the millenium.
If I have $1 million worth of peanut butter, tinned beans etc., all on pallets in a warehouse, when everything stops, it's still $1 million in good food that will last a long time.
IF I have $1 million in bit coin, the power goes out.....
An EMP wipes out the servers, the undersea internet / satellite links - get dragged by an anchor / hit by space debris, solar flares etc...
The storage fucks up / what I had, what records of it existed, who owes me and or where it's gone...
It all just evaporates......
Who are you going to tell to give it all back in real world assets, such as gold bars or huge trucks of storable food stuffs etc?
Your $1 Million of Bit Coin becomes as valuable as a fart in a fan factory 20 years ago....
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Thank you Eugene your advice is priceless as always see you on the other side of 2025 Stay Alive Do or Die and don't surrender to Pedo Strammer Bummer and Fishy CURRY CUNT Rishi \G/
I always thought that Bit Coin was a scam that was slowly being built up into the theft of the millenium.
If I have $1 million worth of peanut butter, tinned beans etc., all on pallets in a warehouse, when everything stops, it's still $1 million in good food that will last a long time.
IF I have $1 million in bit coin, the power goes out.....
An EMP wipes out the servers, the undersea internet / satellite links - get dragged by an anchor / hit by space debris, solar flares etc...
The storage fucks up / what I had, what records of it existed, who owes me and or where it's gone...
It all just evaporates......
Who are you going to tell to give it all back in real world assets, such as gold bars or huge trucks of storable food stuffs etc?
Your $1 Million of Bit Coin becomes as valuable as a fart in a fan factory 20 years ago....
Donald Trum is a Jew Scam Artist, a Liar and a Thief.
Donald Trump is a Global Mass Murderer.
He is a traiter, to all people, of all nations.