Red pill vs MGTOW - Redpills original meaning destroyed for intentional division
Published on 11 Jul 2020 / In
Non-profits & Activism
Adressing what i see as a fabrication of division purely through egotistical needs and wants
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anyone needing a label to identify themselves or to pick on ............ losers. TRP is the learning of TRUE female nature...mgtow is just the philosophy of making yourself the best you can be......... without outside validation. Their is no mutual ties
To me Redpill is a term used to denote an uncomfortable or hidden truth. It can be applied to many ideas. For example feminine nature, rule of the elites, etc. It's a strange thing that most people would rather have a comfortable lie than an uncomfortable truth.
This guys has been around for years sucking men for their money. I called him out a long time ago for his BS. There were guys like this a few years ago and men started calling them on their BS.
Keep up the good fight.
Divide and conquer is the favorite tactic of the elites because it rarely fails. It's much better for them if we fight each other instead of them.