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Reddit Creeps RAGE New $3,500 Apple Vision Pro BLOCKS VR DEGENERACY! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Published on 09 Feb 2024 / In Entertainment

the apple vision pro is apparently a $3,500 chastity belt Promo Code: "cupid10" at

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Toki 1 year ago

Wow Jeremy. Men find a way to avoid awful real women by choosing VR. Then you call them creeps. They aren't the ones turning Planned Parenthood into a profitable business. They aren't the ones MeToo'ing anyone. They aren't the ones trying to bring trans ideology into schools. They just want an escape from our terrible reality.
I just hope they are using waifu VR options instead of real whore porn. Also women are the ones turning the internet into a global porn site of real degeneracy. That's why you choose waifus because it's not real women being whores online for money.
Sitting on your butt asking for donations is degenerate Sloth Jeremy. So is Gluttony. Who are you to judge men who are willingly choosing superior options to real sex? Men didn't ask to be given annoying sex drives which lead men to bad places in life. I guess men are also creeps because they urinate and expel bodily fluids? Are women creeps because they own dozens of dildos?
Alternatives to sex are a good thing because it will reduce the tax slave population. There's no reason to have sex because it's for reproduction. The majority of people have zero reason to reproduce in a world of taxes, The Draft, surveillance state, shit wages for the productive lower class, etc. If you brought this tech back in time it would have saved so much people from the curse of the human sex drive and the consequences of it.
Maybe if I get isekai'ed into a fantasy world with elf maidens then possibly I will have an interest in sex with another. But living on Earth with obnoxious human whores who are out for money I'm not interested. The entire concept of a woman being a parasite expecting to be taken care of while also refusing to a productive home-schooling mother who raises her own children. Instead parents pay other people to do their dirty work. Proving that very few people truly care about their own children because humans are nasty selfish creatures who are out for personal gain and resources. The real creeps. Men who go monk mode and use tools to assist themselves through the curse of the male sex drive aren't bothering anyone.
Perhaps the biggest mistake here is buying an Apple product. That's all. Personally I don't even trust the VT tech yet. I assume it's garbage tech like smartphones. Engineered in China to be refurbished or replaced annually. A slight shift of the wind breaks the device voiding the warranty. $3,500 for a dollar store tech device made in China. Apple execs and investors are the real scumbags here. The irony being that Apple doesn't create jobs which could support a typical greedy wife and family.
Meanwhile you spend all day on the internet begging for money which goes straight to your wife Jeremy. Why do want other men in the same hopeless situation as you? Considering how much time you are away from her I'm sure she cheats on you. A waifu in VR won't cheat on you or drive you into debt. Also are you saying your wife or yourself never masturbate like "creeps?" Yeah OK. Next you are going to judge men for unemployment numbers while you sit around on your ass trying to sell expensive coffee your viewers can't even afford because you aren't working like they are. I appreciate when you call out e-thots but all things considered you aren't any different from them. You expect free handouts from people who do work for a living. Now that's creepy in a selfish way. Men using porn to get around the hurdle of the sex drive? So what? Would you rather they be in prison for child support or get MeToo'ed?

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