Reese Report: Greater Israel and America's Holy War. UK, US & Israel Evil Empire 10-12-2024
Reese Report: Greater Israel and America's Holy War. UK, US & Israel Evil Empire 10-12-2024
October 12th, 2024
Reese Report
A recent video going viral shows Israel's Finance Minister saying that the Jewish state must extend into Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. But he’s been saying this for over a year.
“Look, the Jordanian's, for starters, did not like the statement, but even less the setting of the stage, with Smotrich's giving the statement, it gave the address with on the podium was a map of Greater Israel that includes parts of modern day Jordan. And that's what got Aman, to blast the statement. They said that his actions constituted an act of reckless incitement, as well as a violation of international norms and the peace agreement between Israel and Jordan.
The deputy speaker of Jordanian Parliament took it a step further, calling on, the Jordanian military, to quote, "take up arms" and saying that all options should be on the table for Jordan, given the extremist, statements.” ~ i24NEWS (Israel)
Some Israeli soldiers wear the Greater Israel patch on their uniforms. Many Israelis believe it is prophesied by god. And the radical American Prophecy Christians agree.
“But what I'm saying is I believe eventually our borders will extend from Lebanon to the great desert, which is Saudi Arabia, and then from the Mediterranean to the Euphrates. And who's on the other side of the Euphrates? The Kurds and the Kurds are our friends. So we have the Mediterranean behind us, the Kurds in front of us, Lebanon, which really needs the umbrella of protection of Israel. And then we're going to take, I believe we're going to take, Mecca, Medina, and Mount Sinai and purify those places.” ~ Avi Lipkin
“You know, it's going to happen.” ~ Gary Stearman (Prophecy Watchers)
Ukrainian President Zelenskyy has said that he wants his country to become a “big Israel.” And while young Ukrainians are sacrificed for the US State Department war with Russia, Jewish settlers from Israel are setting up homes in their place.
We are told that Israel is defending themselves from Hamas. But a leaked telegram from Israel states that Hamas served as a useful counter group against the PLO.
In 2019 Benjamin Netanyahu said, “Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas.”
The CIA, MI6, Mossad, and their intelligence counterparts, have a long history of fostering terrorist groups and using them as the boogeyman to sell non-stop illegal wars in the Middle East.
And do not forget that after 9/11 the United States Department of Defense planned on invading seven countries.
Reese Report: USA State Sponsored Terrorism
UTL COMMENT:- Remember that Jews are NOT a 'race' of people either.....that's why you can have Euro, Black, Arab, or Asian Jews. They pull the race narrative when convenient, plus to cause confusion. What Judaism is, is a Satanic Cult posing as an Abrahamic religion, when it's not. Their true master is Satan himself. That's why they are such evil, sadistic, genocidal fucks.
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