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Reese Report: Trump's North American Union - The-Rebranding 3-5-2025

Published on 15 Mar 2025 / In Film & Animation

Reese Report: Trump's North American Union - The-Rebranding 3-5-2025
5,940 views February 4, 2025
Reese Report
The North American Union is the United Nations Agenda 2030, No Matter WHAT you call it.
The AI Digital Infrastructure is the 4th Industrial Revolution No Matter WHAT you call it.
The Surveillance State, Police State is a Totalitarian Nightmare, No Matter What you call it, and a Dystopian Hell on Earth, No Matter Who Tries to Sell You On It.
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GenerationLESS 5 hours ago  

In 1973 the Club of Rome put forth a plan to divide the world into 10 zones. The European Union was one of them, the American Union was another, with the dollar to be replaced by the Amero. At the time it was proposed to be America, Canada, and Greenland. This was 1973! Alex was just catching up with old news. Mexico was to be part of the South American Union but they may have changed that after NAFTA. Not to call THIS old news, but went Trump said Canada as a 51st state and bringing in Greenland, I recognized this B.S. right away. Told people about this 20+ years ago, was laughed at and called conspiracy theorist. Now I guess I'm called that motherfucker that was right after all.

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First I heard it from you brother however I will tell you this you were right from the beginning problem is stupid normie sheeple dont want to listen so save your breath on them idiots \G/

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WMHarrison94 2 hours ago

@DIOSUNBALLZ_TALICHAD: Bro... it's worst than that. These sheeple are so miseducated that when we presented with the Truth they can not comprehend it! No wonder Math is hard, er Whote Supremacy.

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@WMHarrison94: Bro haha Whote supremacy I know what you meant White yet those sheeple Faggot Fuckers were trying their hardest to get everyone under their WOKE SUPREMACY yep aint that the truth presented with they dont listen they are all actors they know thry been lied to they want easy life and believe the lies because its what helps them cope and sleep at night otberwise they have to accept that been lied to and fell for it and then they really have to work and then be competitive and theg dont want RGEs prediction to come right they are inept in tbe free market they cant even compete. My theory

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GenerationLESS 1 hour ago

@DIOSUNBALLZ_TALICHAD: I've learned to choose who I attempt to inform, and who I don't waste my time on over the years. It can be frustrating at times dealing with people whos head is in the sand and refuse to listen. That is an area where I still need to work on myself. (And may still never achieve it . lol)

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WMHarrison94 1 hour ago

@GenerationLESS: True that. Ladt thing you need is a screaming harler bevause you said Trump something... I start up small conversations mention domething here or there and gage their reactions.

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WMHarrison94 1 hour ago

@DIOSUNBALLZ_TALICHAD: Yeah, I meant White but I dropped my phone a couple of times... I think the touchscreen needs recalibration. One of these days, I'll figure it out... Yeah, Woke Supremacy is definitely the case. The way I look it at: Would you rather face the pain or hardship to discover the lie snd the Truth it buries and make corrections accordingly or would you rather slide by easily but burn in Hell for all eternity unless the demonns eat your soul? I feel like as a ghodt I already stared at the Pitt...

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WMHarrison94 2 hours ago

I noticed you uploaded alot of videos! Too many videos, too little of time... but gotta fit in Grim"s Titty games...Lol! Have a good one!

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Thanks you too. Yep Race for life, Medusa Lust Academy and much more so yeah I get it you degenerate haha jk \G/

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Yeah i have a huge backlog and they are uploaded and sitting there i got time to go through sum intersting ones to share and if others are boring i perma delete so far it takes so long because MGTOW can be ASSHOLE it puts a limit on iploadband have to upload all dfferent tines and only certain amount eachbdaybwhich sucks

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WMHarrison94 1 hour ago

@DIOSUNBALLZ_TALICHAD: Uhm... the new season of Being A Dick is coming soon...Grim's waiting on its release....

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WMHarrison94 1 hour ago

@DIOSUNBALLZ_TALICHAD: I know... I was like fuck I'd have to do two or three videos a month, but Microshaft fucked my computer an AIO so now I can not record the way I was. I tried freebie open sourse Simple Screen Recorder, but I think Microshaft fucked that too. I hsve a mini Linux computer I need to try it on and a laptop I am about to wipe to put Fedora or perhaps Open SUSE on it. I've been sick dincecwe had two to three weeks dipping down to 20°F... some wierd cold... probably Fauci's next Ouchie! And some boxes to empty out still. Shane wants me to start uploading cooking videos of keto friendly or keto light recipes I have... and used. So, I got yo figure out how to and where to set up cameras in my kitchen. .

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WMHarrison94 2 hours ago

No Take Canada! I want the US to own the North Pole... We can put those Santa's elves to work... though interestingly pointed out recently, Doesn't Satan have lil helper demons? Oh Man! It was Satan Claus the whole time...Bruce Willis was right in the Last Boy Scoutn

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WMHarrison94 2 hours ago

So... take an apple pie and cut it up into ten small pieces easier to control... you mean divide and conquer? Or as our Fore Fathers borrowed from Ancient Greeks? "United We Stand: Divided We Fall?" Yeah, NO SHIT.

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