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Rejecting Women Makes Them Crazy - MGTOW

Published on 07 Mar 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Burt. He didn't send me a specific topic so I wanted to discuss how rejecting a woman outright by clearly telling her that you're not interested in her advances makes her crazy to the point where she gets super pissed off and tries to destroy your social connections in a fit of rage. If however you reject her by simply ignoring her advances and playing stupid she will keep pushing harder and harder to get you to give her attention until she eventually realises it's a fruitless endeavor because you won't let her near your flesh flute and she will be on her merry way. But she won't usually get crazy with anger because you wouldn't pound her cooch the way she might if you were dating her for a month or two and then dumped her. Instead that thot tucks her tail between her thot and eventually stops pursuing you. No insane breakdown explosion the way she might if you showed initial interest and then reject her. I've also asked myself why did I always reject the right women and go out with the wrong ones? I've had experiences growing up where I could have easily gotten together with about ten different hot, thin, attractive women and girls all the way from the tenth grade forward into my early to mid twenties but I rejected them all silently. I didn't reject them consciously. It was my subconscious that made them invisible to me until fifteen to twenty years later after I went my own way did I finally understand what I did. They never made of move on me or made their affections obvious and hid in plain sight waiting for me to ask them out but I had zero interest. I never really thought about why I rejected them until now. Why did I instead choose to accept the advances of far less attractive and less mentally stable women instead? The answer is that the unstable women had to work to attract a man. They had to be the female chameleon and pretend to be into the same things that I was. Or they had to be the first ones to grab me and kiss me. They had to have the courage to be different because throughout high school and the rest of my life I've never been afraid to be different either. So I've experienced that the more perfect a woman looks the more boring her soul is. Her good looks mean she doesn't have to try to pretend to be into the same things as the guy to offer something else because for most guys what she looks like is enough. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Passive Income With CJ: Anyways, now back to the show. The first girl I ever rejected she got pissed off because we went on an impromptu date and spoke on the phone dozens of times and the reason I rejected her can be seen in the video I put out called The Girl Of My Dreams. I rejected her not because I wasn't attracted to her but because of the potential for my life being ruined if I had dated her. She was perfect and I rejected that perfection and the following year went out with girls that were bumpkins. From someone looking in from the outside it made no sense. But looking back if I had dated her and fell in love after that I would had much higher standards for women and as a result I probably would have dated some of those other hotter women and married one of them and my life would have been bland and boring. The sexy women would have forced me down the safe path to keep them. I would have forever feared being rejected by them and I never would have gone my own way because the simp spell never wears off on me in a relationship.

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ShadowMonk 4 years ago

Them being nagging bitches to me makes me crazy too.

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Menwalkaway 4 years ago


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Of late all the OLD MOLLS in the district, say in their 30's and 40's etc., are all paying a lot of attention to me of late.....

AND there are a couple of them driving around giving me the steering wheel wave, when they pass me....

AND it really starts to shit me - I don't know who in the fuck they are, don't know what their names are, where they live exactly, what they do with their lives and their relationship status etc..... I know NOTHING about them.....

I can only describe them as flies buzzing in circles around shit....

They make NO effort to connect with me, strike up a conversation with me, invite me out for a coffee, etc... NOTHING...

Just giving me the nod and the wave, every time we pass each other.....

They don't flash their lights a long way off, and pull up in the middle of nowhere and wind the window down for a chat....

There is plenty of time and plenty of space - https://goo.gl/maps/Lmqc1NbGrrongoY5A

Hell if I like you, we can go to any of plenty parking places and I will fuck you doggy style in the back of the ute or over the bonnet....

They just keep on doing this "Oh gidday mate, here is a steering wheel wave, as I pass you heading in the opposite direction".

And it just goes on and on and on and on and on.......

"Well if you fucking like me, then make a fucking MOVE on me" - You fucking stupid brain dead cunts.

If they don't have the smarts to be able to pass me in the super market and strike up a basic conversation about shit like the weather and how nice it was to get some rain a few days ago, then they can just fuck right off.

Fuck I hate them.

Rejection? "Go Away - I fucking hate you."

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hqwebsite 4 years ago

With a population of just around 150, you probably already know everyone. https://www.australias.guide/vic/location/drung/

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@hqwebsite: I gather you are an American and you have lived your life in a big city. Hence "They don't flash their lights a long way off, and pull up in the middle of nowhere and wind the window down for a chat.... There is plenty of time and plenty of space - https://goo.gl/maps/Lmqc1NbGrrongoY5A" has gone right over your head.

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@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: These are the sorts of places and roads these couple of women are "giving me the steering wheel wave" on... It's just fucking shits me. It's like internet email ping pong, when dealing with someone who you want to pull their teeth out with pliars, because they are such fucking idiots that they take 20 emails going backwards and forwards, just to get a yes or no answer, to a yes or no question. I have a general idea of where one of them lives... but I can't be fucked cruising a few blocks to find out - and how come this retarded cunt is all pseudo pally with me, and she has never even met me? AND she is not putting in any effort to meet me.... And yet, our paths keep on oddly crossing, in all these middle of no where places, on all these Bum Fuck Nowhere roads.... I don't want to know about her... I am tired of her bullshit, I just want her to fuck off and die.

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@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Fucking STUPID women...

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RoboCat 4 years ago

I'm a below average looking, working-class guy (sort of) and not really interesting to women. I've rejected a surprising amount of women in my 30s and I would have never guessed that to be possible back during my teens and 20s. These women were my age or a couple of years younger at best.

Some of those women were attractive *for their age* but I'm not interested. The level of freak-out was shocking even though I was expecting a negative reaction. I was even stalked by two of them. Yes, me. I was stalked by women that were supposedly 'out of my league' and that I had assumed would have better things to do with their time but apparently not.

women handle rejection worse than any guy I've personally known and throw very extended tantrums. Crazy might be an understatement. I think TFM's expression that 'women are children' undersells it, tbh. They are worse.

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havok545 4 years ago

Single mother pretty face but on the fat side. The problem is big girls make me think of my mom and nothings going to happen in the bedroom if I'm thinking about mom. She kept coming after me and what she did would be considered sexual harassment if a man did it. I just kept quiet the entire time I never said yes or no. Drove her nuts! Hilarious!

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If the mildly fat ones remind you of your mother, then get a really fucking fat one, as she will remind you of your grand mother.

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