Rejection 2024: The Salt Must Flow | Grunt Speak Live
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Publié le 08 Nov 2024 / Dans
Let’s drink up a whole barrel of leftoid tears tonight at 8pm EST!
#GruntSpeakLive #CultureWar #2024rejection
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Idk Blake... women have asshole too. The fags seem to always make out... fucking butt bandits.
I would say astrology is real as far as a time tracking method: God El's timeline. It was so important I see it as a means in which the Fallen (Angels) who fathered "giants" or the Nephilim, whI ch I am starting iti see align with the Greek's Nephele. Astrology is I believe the Heavenly knowledge the women craved.
Uhm... I'm college edumacated too. I just joined the military and saw the "Real World" including Israel the uhm country. Lol!
Negative Neilly? Oh, I missed that stream too!?!