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Relax --- The Sheep are OK

Published on 30 May 2024 / In Film & Animation


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I am not "insanely frighted" of loitering or parking on the freeway, "hysterically respectful" would be a better term.

These fucking people who had the 3 car pile up, then stood around like they had a crash in a supermarket car park.... Fingers up each others arses... milling around --- Not paying any attention to what is coming towards them....

Get OFF the freeway, we can exchange details and poke at the damage later.


Freeways are specialist infrasctucture, that are so specialised that any small deviation from the high speed flowing of traffic, can easily lead to absolute disaster.....

Your either moving at the same speed, in the same direction, as the rest of the traffic - or get the fuck into the break down lane or better yet, off the freeway entirely - like into a super market car park, at the first turn off.

The cars looked driveable and the impacts minor....

Use your fucking brains people.

And no they didn't.

"Bang!" - All run over by a truck that had slabs or steel or aluminium on it...

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