Remember Racist Amy Cooper
Go to my Chat: The Life and Times of Shane T. Hanson Scroll up to the 13th January 2021, and you will find a zip file with all of Paul Elams talks on Borderline Personality women. in MP3 format.. Download it and use them.
"I down loaded all the "A voice for men" videos, and converted them to MP3 and copied the files on WOMEN who are borderline *psychotic" personality disordered, into a single folder and zipped it up and uploaded it here. It's about 190 Meg and 13 files. This is very handly to put on your phone and or audio system and or your computer....
And just put it on loop until you learn it. It's emotional health brain washing - to deal with and get rid of the crazies with BPD by understanding them. The big hint. "They can't be normal or return to normal or be fixed. THEIR crazy is THEIR normal."
I can't link it, and your fingers are not broken.
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Call the ASPCA on her for the way she abuses her dog...fucking cunt!
The lying cunt needs a C4 dildo.