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Renault & Geely say FU EV with NEW ENGINE FACTORY in UK!

Published on 16 Jul 2023 / In Film & Animation

Just found this video from Geoff Buy's Car's. Another nail in the EV coffin. As for cheap very low emision vehicles? we already have them. they are called MOTORCYCLES. My 350cc bike does 100 mpg, and if I hyper mile (which I do) I actually get more like 135 mpg on a 3.2 gallon tank and the bike is Euro 5 and will run in top gear without changing down ar 15/20 mph in restricted area's at "Tick over" rev's as well. I also have a Chinese 125cc that doe's about the same. Both are fuel injected so don't waste fuel or run rich or anything. For those that don't know Fuel injection when you shut it off does not use any fuel because it is an electric pump, great for hyper miling. Both my Bikes are ultra LEAN burners as well with the plug's being almost white in color, This is normal.

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mrghoster 2 years ago

What I can see really happening here is they build all these engine plants in the UK then at some point the Chink bosses will turn it all over to EV motor's. Never trust a Chink they lie through their teethy and the french are not much better! lol! Of course people will need money for car's but where will WE get that from. EV's are certainly not the answer infact the car as it stands under government laws and restrictions is finished anyway in my view? everything today is about the Anti Christ or should I say Money same thing really!

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I dunno - staggering amounts of smarts and research has been thrown at petrol engines for decades, by really clever people, and since power = cleanly burning fuel + air = there is a limit to how low the fuel to air ratio can go, and even with stratified charges, of air and fuel only around the plug, and the rest being clean air...

And all sorts of things like piston crown shapes, and valve sizes and timings and coating the piston surface and inside of the head with ceramics to cut down heat absorption - and tons and tons and tons of really clever incremental improvements, there is a limit to the physical lower process of fuel + oxygen (air) = power.

If it is too low in fuel it won't light... and a good strong and slightly rich mixture produces the most power.... It's the best ratio of fuel = heat = expansion of hot gasses within the cylinder = power or push the vehicle along by punching a nice clean hole through the air.....

So.... The greenie save the planet from CO2 is one huge fucking lie, but dirty combustion and pollution is not...

However, there are staggering amounts of specialists - far cleverer than me, and I can't think of a single significant idea that will really increase the power available to be put to the wheels, in a given volume of fuel....

No sort of jump from 25 K a liter to 50 K a liter....

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mrghoster 2 years ago

If society could dispell the speed freak thing and everone had very small petrol cars that did say 50mph and 300 mpg then the greenies would be really shafted! lol!

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@mrghoster: I have done it - in my head...... Down scale the fuel economy record "cars" and their motors (or types there of) and upscale their frames (long sling shot dragster type chassis), and it's easily doable. https://hondanews.eu/eu/lv/car....s/media/pressrelease ---- https://www.drive.com.au/carad....vice/this-humble-ute ------- https://pratt.duke.edu/about/n....ews/duke-students-br ------- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shell_Eco-marathon ------- https://www.shell.us/sustainab....ility/shell-eco-mara

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mrghoster 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Thank god they didn't do the tesat on Guinness, that would be expensive, at least the car wouldn't remember the journey! lol!

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mrghoster 2 years ago

The DUKE Vibrator PENIS shaped thing isn't really convenient to do the shopping with or pulling a caravan on holiday! lol!

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mrghoster 2 years ago

In the UK the goal isn't fuel or travel efficiency, they in realit want us all prisoners on our own homes or village like getto's on the basis they think they can control us better? I think the psycho's are gonna find they are VERY WRPONG with some of the talk I've been hearing in the backlash movement's! all you need in a tech age threatening your vehicle usage is a slip on cardboard license plate! lol!

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mrghoster 2 years ago

I Hyper mile my Royal Enfield Meteor 350 from 100 MPG to 135 MPG more or less on tick over speed and getting into 5 gear ASAP. the nice thing is even in 5 gear io can still plod along in a 20 MPH zone at 1500 rev's or I can use the Motorway in 5 gear at 75 MPH!

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@mrghoster: Royal Enfield's are nice bike.... the BUM or british universal motorcycle, is actually a brilliant people friendly / man machine interface.... easy to get on and off and easy to ride and comfortable..... they are SANE - where as the boy racer plastic head down arse up, rocket ships are not very practical.....

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mrghoster 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Nicely said mate, I love my RE it's ther best bike I've ever owned, it was cheap as well and mostly METAL not plastic. I've been riding since 1972 and always like my Honda's, but since my Honda dealer was shafted by honda and he went over to RE, Keyway and some other Ghinese makes I bought the RE and I have a 125 dirt cheap Chinky cruiser as well that cost me 2k new on the road, but my Enfield is my pride and joy.

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@mrghoster: Just for a personal mode of transport the 350 cc is a very nice size motor, it's a light bike, plenty of poke, a good go everywhere bike, nice flat seat, simple, you know... plust you can take them up goat tracks along the sides of mountains as well as thread them through traffic and they look nice.... They are a good looking motorcyle.... is it a long stroke, a square bore or a short stroke motor.... ?

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mrghoster 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Multi cylinder pocket rocket markets are now dying on thier feet, The Single cyliner midrange unit's are the mew kid in town around 340cc to 400cc it seems. I used to have a lot of 250cc's in the 70's then the law was changes and getting a 250 in the uk unless it is a classic is impossible task. The Metoer has only one cylinder, 2 valves and fuel injection that means when you shut thr throttle the fuel STOPS flowing, how efficient is that, All servicing I can do for myself now with a 6k period ans occasional tweaks beibng the Service Period. Insurance is pocket money as well. As only I can ride one bike at a time and my age I can insure both bikes fully comp for 12 months at less than a Hundred Bucks for the year. If I were to change my bike it would be another RE replacemnt, but I don't see the need in the near future at all.

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