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Replace Biological Women Permanently

Published on 26 Mar 2021 / In Film & Animation

When you replace women you are called sad and looked down upon while she fucks a horse sized dildo and guys jerk off to it. Recently there has been a union of the manosphere guys thats good for them but my union my work will be for the mgtow ready to evolve past women and get out of the circus show forever. The manosphere dudes have no solution and only want to, at best, repeat the rise fall cycle of civilization that women create. Nope.

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eldrazi317 4 years ago

And normally I would agree with your words Bob, but technology I think will be the game changer. The funny part is any major changes happening will not be noticed until the very end.

Interesting enough an actual womb may become a necessity in the future since woman in general are being born with more and more thin hips/waists which make it very difficult to give birth. This is why the c-section became so used in recent times.

Plus let’s be honest once woman have the option to have children without having to go through the procedure of pregnancy they will take it.

I’m very certain that most would prefer to not have their body become fat, and other unpleasant process that it would undergo.

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eldrazi317 4 years ago

And it’d be perfect for them since when it is available for human use they’d be able to focus on their careers without having to stop due to pregnancy.

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eldrazi317 4 years ago

It’s already happening slowly but surely, but behind the scenes. A scientist by the name of Hanna created a mechanical womb for mice and it works.

Here’s a link: https://www.engadget.com/weizm....ann-institute-of-sci

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HennessyVenom 4 years ago

Nice thank you for the link not enough info going around on artificial wombs from this community. We must increase it.

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eldrazi317 4 years ago

@acelaken: To be fair this break through is fairly new and a lot of things like it will be kept very hush, hush. However every step starts small—like ripple that spreads outward. And as my own thoughts, I honestly think that once main focus should be to become financial independent. From there one would find themselves with a great deal of time and resources which will allow said person to instead focus on their own pursuits /passions instead of working. Working is a waste of ones time and energy in the long run as it is a hampers once ability to further Improve oneself l.

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eldrazi317 4 years ago

Money is a type of power that can be used to influence a great deal of things. Remember the big corporations are used to lobby for specific policies, and even with a small business—one can write off a lot of expenses. In fact two weeks ago at work I over heard how my co-worker was talking about how his cousin pays his business expenses with credit, a credit card that gives one points to use of several things. So every year he is able to take mini-vacations using those points plus you can add the fact that at the end of the year he’d write off those expenses.

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eldrazi317 4 years ago

@eldrazi317: write off the business expenses.

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eldrazi317 4 years ago

One big step is to become financial literate which a large part of the population is not. I’d suggest checking out rich dad poor dad.

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eldrazi317 4 years ago

Here’s a link: http://www.csce001.com/edit_zo....op/uploadfile/system

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eldrazi317 4 years ago

The pdf is the whole book, and it’s free, all it requires is one’s time which is our most valuable resource.

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Bobby_Onii_Chan 4 years ago

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it...

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