Reporting On Our Society
Published on 20 Dec 2021 / In
Film & Animation
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I think any parent that abuses their children should have the child removed to a loving family and the parents sterilized, that goes for femon's and males , especially single parent femon's with no Masculine security to guide her?
Number 3 - she wont have any remorse, it will mourn for her bank account just wont have as much BENEFIT hand outs in it anymore. Also just look at the house? could you actually fit 4 kid's and probably a Land Whale in that shack anyway's? On the brighter side though both neighbors either side didn't get their cars torched! Sorry for sounding Cynical but those Kid's in today's world have been saved from the future unlike million's of other Children who have all the horrors of this life to come? Let's hope they are in a better place now?
Yep! You are right about the posing sprawled all over the floor, they look more like they have been hit by a Truck than posing for a fuck! lol! they look like they have died or their bodies have failed, So when it say's "TAKE ME"! you take it straight to the Dump! lol!
The Second one just shows the truth about being a lazy CUNT, literally! lol! Huh! up to 2 am! lol! how about trying up to 9 inches and get a good work out! lol! Just like NATURE intended!
Story one should be shown the same amount of consideration as femon's show to MEN, SACKED naturally! i have this theory as well when it come to femons and riding horses. A LADY (huh that's a fucking laugh these days), likes to ride side saddle, but the saddle has a large penis like erection right where she sits? So in the old day's with those long dresses they were always happy riding, BUT were they REALLY riding Side Saddle or full on for the Screw? lol!