Republican HQ LOCKED DOWN! Hazmat & Bomb Squad Deployed! What Was Recovered & DEADLY Force On Trump?
Published on 22 May 2024 / In
This story is insane. 2024 is going to be wild.
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7:46. Hoping for any sense of "normalcy" to return is naivete at it's worst. We're on a gradual course of punishment for our rejection of The Creator's Laws (Lev. 26:15-42). He's still (for now) giving us the opportunity to change so He can heal our land (2Chr. 7:14). But HEY! Stay in your fantasy world. There are a few of us who understand this HAS to happen, otherwise God would be hard pressed to justify destroying Sodom and Gomorrah. Believe what you want (while selling your coffee), but unless this nation repents, and we change our wicked ways, we can only expect things to get worse, until we are eventually taken captive by our adversaries (Deut. 28:14-44). I agree, the government is NOT our friend, but they're allowed to do what they do by The Creator. Wake tf up!
Uhm, don't join any militias or mob protest activities: These will be FBI honey traps and forced criminal recruitment or Special Psy Ops...
Trump just wanted to be liked and tried to be bipartisan... I think Trump's ego won't allow him to... they had a gentleman's agreement, and the Democrats stabbed him in the back...
Uhm, they trying to kill us "regular Americans," Jeremy. They care not about us Phlebs...we're slaves to them. Ironically, because we are Free Men armed, they are afraid: I would be too if I was a traitorous political whore chocking on Jew come ignoring the Constitution and those corrupt, Rogue judges too... Time's a coming for their judgment. I saw grease up the guilotine... These lying Communists like bread lines; so, they should really love guilotine lines.
Well, the bags of White powder in the White House is easy, either it's Hunter Biden's he forgot or it was Barry O'Bomber's secret stash he forgot...