So Gov goons in uniform. Women police. And obnoxious negro Ice-T? I assume all the women flirt with Ice-T while the white men are total betas? Bro go watch anime. Or the older media. Beaking Bad? Another anti-male show. House of Cards. I fucking hate that actor so much. Not because of any accusations or anything. He's simply a weak beat male. Spacey or whatever.
@MartinGOLDBERG: Yeah but ya know. The gay agenda in these Western shows. The black man alpha agenda who gets all the white women while the white man is bad and racist. Sorry man. I'm watching How To Pick Up Girls In a Dungeon instead. Roman/Greek/JP/Norse fantasy with gods and heroes. Hot women. Protag is a little white guy who is respectable. Again hot women such as goddesses and elves. Embrace the anime and you'll never go back.
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So Gov goons in uniform. Women police. And obnoxious negro Ice-T? I assume all the women flirt with Ice-T while the white men are total betas?
Bro go watch anime. Or the older media.
Beaking Bad? Another anti-male show.
House of Cards. I fucking hate that actor so much. Not because of any accusations or anything. He's simply a weak beat male. Spacey or whatever.